Yeah, I'm at a bit of a loss - I've identified what I believe to be the fonts used for each of the letters, which I'll share here, but I'm then not sure what to do with that information.
Red letters: Windings, Rockwell, Cooper Std, Futura Black, Garamond, Frankfurter
Green letters: Windings, Cooper Std, Frankfurter, Cooper Std, OCR A, Rockwell
Blue letters: Babyteeth, Garamond, Cooper Std, OCR A, Impact, neu alphabet
Which leaves the following fonts unused:
Arial, DIN, Poppins, Bodoni, Times, Johnston
And these three fonts just seem to be straight up wrong?
Trade Gothic, Source, Helvetica
I really want the Blue letters to be important because of the Chanel bottles in the background (I'm confident Bleu De Chanel is the only real one) but I've tried several combinations of letters after the URL to no avail so far.
So yeah, bit stuck