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EVE Online

EVE Online
greybill's avatar

I'll keep it short:

Watch The Nomads Tale Series by chloroken on Youtube.

It not only includes lots of tips and tricks, it also inspires to approach Eve with creativity and adapt a very personal style of playing.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

JAKEL33T EVEIL the quality of your videos is always excellent, but we'd love a little description to go alongside them for these bounties - even if it's just a brief explanation of the content or the areas that are particularly relevant to the bounty. Thanks :)

EVEIL's avatar

Finding those lucrative gas clouds can give you a nice little cash injection, but you can only do so much with a single ship. Not everyone wants to invest in multiple accounts either. Luckily, CCP have graced us with three character slots per account.

In this video, I maximize earning potential by using a Prospect and Porpoise together. I've added a second prospect for good measure, but this is completely optional. Compressing your gas as you go means you can spend longer out in J-Space, and less time ferrying your gas to market.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Thanks for the edit, much appreciated!

JAKEL33T's avatar

Ninja gas mining fit for wormhole huffing.

Learn the differences in each of the gas mining ships & how much they earn per hour.


So you've found a gas cloud and you want to huff it? It's time to be on the lookout and here are a few simple ground rules:

  • If you can't afford to replace the ship, don't fly it!

  • Watch your d-scan and use V for the hot key. Set it to a small distance, no more than 2 or 4au. If you see probes or another ship they're probably hunting you. If you see combat probes you are definitely being hunted.

  • Orbit that cloud! If you're moving and not at the center of the anomaly, you'll be that much harder to catch.

  • Get ready to WARP when you see someone show up on your overview. The slightest hesitation will let someone overcome their decloaking timer and lock you. Have your overview set up with moons. If someone shows up, click a moon and hit the warp button. Don't waste time with right clicks.

  • Don't panic. If you got caught, and you're following the first rule listed, you'll be fine. Gas huffing is profitable and you'll be able to replace lost ships quickly.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Just in the nick of time on this one! Thanks for the tips.

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