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EVE Online

EVE Online
Alex Sinclair's avatar

EVEIL I've just watched your latest YT video, it would be perfect for this

FUN INC's avatar

I absolutely love it!

I love the immersion

I love the atmosphere

The graphics and landscapes are amazing

If this is a "test-bed" so to speak - I think this is going to be smoking hot!

What would be great is a Vanguard "play area" - to understand the different functionality and "how to vanguard" - shooting stuff is great.... but understanding how to get ammo, what the different functions are and so on is really important!

Nothing but positive thoughts on this from me!

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Well this is very good news!

FUN INC's avatar

my only criticism was that i had a rubbish nights sleep because I was so wired after playing it! :D

Alex Sinclair's avatar

"Thanks a lot CCP."

There are some sleepy post-Game Awards faces at Just About today, so you're not alone


I am pleasantly surprised with Vanguard . When I first arrived on the ground I was extremely confused. The controls were intuitive, but I didn’t understand what the game was other than walk around and shoot enemies. I know now there is already a complex gameplay loop where one has to balance rushing around to collect loot while hedging your bets with the cloning stations and banks. There is even a PvP meta between other squads and sometimes your own squadmates.

While it is barebones, to me Vanguard is immersive. That is the main problem I had with DUST 514. Even though there was complexity and strong metagaming the controls felt sluggish and the environment did not feel responsive. If they just dropped all the DUST maps and content into Vanguard I’m sure it would be much more enjoyable than DUST was.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

That sounds very promising. I love that CCP is trying something different with it, and that it's not just another shooter in an EVE skin

Melicien Tetro's avatar

The sound design is amazing, especially the title screen music.

Biomass cannibalism is a great mechanic, very cyberpunk wendigo.

Scale of the map! It's a downed Bowhead.

orik Kado's avatar

EVE Vanguard, something that surely many players had been waiting for. Personally, I found myself very comfortable with what was proposed for this small test. I truly loved its clean and sober interface, the terrain setting was fantastic, the environmental damage, crafting ammunition, and supplements to carry out your contract were all intriguing. The shooting sensation, in my opinion, was very satisfying; it didn't feel odd. In fact, I would venture to say it felt quite smooth. I loved the detail of the weapon changing color according to the type of ammunition. The missions were fun and each felt distinct from the others.

However, there are still things to fix. I felt that at times the character would get stuck for no apparent reason (probably some collision error in the environment). Sometimes the server connection was unstable and then fixed itself. Overall, I consider these to be expected details that can be addressed in the future.

My verdict: I'm already looking forward to seeing more and I'll be ready to continue completing contracts

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