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EVE Online

EVE Online
orik Kado's avatar

Life in one of the four major empires is quite an interesting topic. Without being a genius, I'm very sure that many would choose to be part of the Caldari State or the Gallente Federation. Personally, I'm fond of the Caldari faction with its mega-corporations controlling everything. But there's a faction that almost always gets forgotten: the Minmatar Republic.

Now, why do they seem interesting to me? Well, their lore demonstrates how, given enough time, the differences between rivals can vanish when they realize that they can achieve more together than by fighting against each other. It's true that they're not the most advanced in technology, possibly the least developed faction in all aspects. However, their ability to work together for a better tomorrow would undoubtedly be my choice if I had to choose to live in any of the four empires.

To be more specific, let's remember that the Minmatar are organized by tribes. So, without much thought, I would choose the Sebiestor tribe if given the chance. Their virtues and their role within the republic reflect much of what Orik Kado loves to do within his space in New Eden

KAZO+AR's avatar

My default would be the Gallente,

As a new player i fell into the Caladari trap of missiles and PvE, kitting around while emptying my rocket launchers, it was obviously a safe technic to use combat ship and i entirely respect that, but it got me very bored at some point.

Then i switched for Gallente and the gameplay changed, brawling and launching drones, flying a Tristan for faction warfare was pretty efficient as a solo PvP catching small targets in high sec, change fitting then fire those hybrid turrets, real fun !

  • What got me into was the Hecate, that fast “Nausicaa like” wing, i usually called my ships “Bim Boom Bye”, because that was literally my plan while solo hunting.

  • What confirmed was the Proteus, sneaky killing machine, takes hunting to another level..

  • What made me fall in love was the Moros Navy Issue, what can i say it’s a beautiful aggressive looking monster.

Gallente you either love the design or you hate it but there is rarely in-between opinions.


If I had to live in an Empire it would be the Caldari State. When thinking of the average citizen in a New Eden empire, it is important to remember that the empires are vast and diverse with different political divisions and bloodlines.

In my mind, it would be like a dream to be a an Achuran monk who spends his days postulating the secrets of the universe. Achurans do not necessarily have an organized religion, but the monks operate out of a few dozen monastic orders that are dedication to exploration and science and have little interest in current politics and events.

It would be as if going into a time capsule into the future. Rather than dealing with the harsh realities of the future, I would spend my day learning all the wonders that remain hidden to us in the real world.

Sturmer's avatar

Why the Gallente in EVE Online Resonates with Me

When asked about my favorite empire in EVE Online, my answer has been unwavering since I created my character back in 2004 – it's the Gallente. This choice might surprise some, especially given the common myths suggesting the Gallente are merely entertainment-obsessed. I see these as misconceptions, likely stemming from Amarr and Caldari propaganda.

In my view, the Gallente Federation epitomizes values that are increasingly scarce in our world: freedom, equality, diversity, and openness. These aren't just abstract concepts; they are principles that guide the federation, making it a unique and admirable entity within the game's universe.

These values deeply resonate with me. They align with what I desire not just in the realm of EVE Online, but in the real world too. I advocate for a society where these principles are not just upheld, but celebrated. The Gallente stand as a testament to these ideals, making them more than just a faction in a game for me. They represent what I seek for everyone, a beacon of hope and progress.

So yes, my choice remains the Gallente. They're not just a faction I play in a game; they're a reflection of the world I aspire to see.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

I love this. Another, fantastic entry! Gallente would be my pick for the same reasons. They're not perfect, but at least there's a vision there that I can get on board with.


Does independent colony somewhere in the depths of New Eden count? No, okay. Well, ICily my main moved from Saisio, to Jita, to an independent colony detatched from the Empire's control but she was a capsuleer.

Before answering, I need to define a set of considerations:

  • Given that some aspects of each Empire had never been delved into, thus making a choice like that somewhat limited.

  • Given that the same Empire can have gradations of itself: I would expect Caldari in Jita to be much more cosmopolitan and open than Caldari in Corporate colonies far away from the main trade routes. Similarly I would expect there would be more "down to earth" gallente the further you move away from Caille and its entertainment districts. Just like in the real world where the culture of international capitals is not the same as the one of rural areas even while being the same country.

  • Given that there are other factions, such as Pirates and SoE, which you didn't include but which do have a foothold in New Eden and which have different ways of doing things than the Empires.

I think it would be either Caldari or Gallente. I'm not religious in the slightest so Amarr wouldn't really be my thing, I believe in the freedom to pursue innovation and careers, for sure not in an holy, all seeing god. On the Minmatar tribality, I understand it but at the same time... at the core, I'm an independent operator.

I would be Caldari for the structure, there are rules and rules are followed. True that the Caldari structure can be stiffling but then, if you find the right spot in the corporate ladder, I think it's not as bad as the Gallente propaganda make it look like. And if you're shrewd enough... bringing results pays and you can climb the corporate ladder.

I would be Gallente for the freedom to pursue things, both from a career point of view and from a personal view. Gallente can be a very innovative Empire because they are not as restricted by rules and dogmas as Caldari and Amarr ones. However, they do pay on missing a tight focus, which for example the Caldari, with their preservation of the State, have. On the opposite, I wouldn't be that much interested in entertainment and debauchery in themselves, they don't sell that well with me.

In truth, I would probably sit somewhere in the middle between the two. Either a Gallente with an appreciation for certain Caldari facets or a Caldari with an appreciation for certain Gallent facets. Not a good place to be in a polarizing world, isn't it?

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Great answer! I'm glad we got you thinking.

Swagger Olacar's avatar

Probably just because they have a very similar society to our current one the Gallente Federation, sure speaking French and flying ugly sips with awful wepon systems may be a requirement but the fact that they are known for their inclusiveness it may just be the one race where I'd feel very much at home.

Other than that the Caldari in a second place becuase they like money and so do I, and hasve you even seen a Widow? Yeah that's worth it :p

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Hmm, this is a hard one, but I am a creature of logic and fact, I adore rules, and I love to know where I stand and how it meets my limits, and what is accepted and what isn't.

So for me, it's Caldari, if we say for an instant that "Eve is Real" then I would say a strong-minded person could rise quite high if you say joined the Caldari Military and didn't die immediately, by following the corporate structure of the Caldari High Command, a quick, intelligent person, could rise very high in the ranks of Caldari, quite quickly, in a universe where loyalty and bravery and key demographics for any person to aspire to, this is the perfect setup.

Also, missiles people missiles, sit back, hit fire n watch the explosions! .

FUN INC's avatar

100% Gallente - Super sharp dressers, look kinda foxy, and the French gets me every time!

They also very kindly donated 10 AT skins to us after our win in the AT feeders to get us through to ATXIX which i thought was super awesome of them.

Green looks great in space too! :D


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