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EVE Online

EVE Online
Swagger Olacar's avatar

First time I joined a corporation I was actually living in Amarr space near the Amarr tradehub. A week or so into starting the game I was approached via EVE Mail by some Roxxen Norato directing a small High Sec corporation in Minmatar space called BCS. I didn't do much during my time there. Lasted a month or so before the CEO (Roxxen) decided do take all of the corp asssets in the corporation and ghost the leadership. He had basically scammed his small industrial corp and that was my first experience into the game XD. later I would learn that this is what he does. Recruits people into BCS, with staff and recruits, new people to after a while pull the plug and steal all of the corp's assets.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

I believe they call that a 'trial by EVE'. Did you take any comfort knowing that he was a serial scam-artist? And did you ever get vengeance?

FUN INC's avatar

I started playing EVE in Summer 2004. I did the usual ratting, mining, missioning, and treated the game as a relatively solitary game. I played with my girlfriend (now wife) at the time, and we mined, and did some missions. All really simple.

Anyhow, I got chatting to a guy at work, who had an interest in the MMO genre, and he eventually got into EVE. We played EVE together a bit, not hugely, and he kind of split off an did his own thing, and I my own - tbh EVE back then was quite dull as i hadnt found the community aspect of it, and only played it collaboratively with a few people.

Anyhow - roll on a6 months, and my mate at work tells me about this corp that he had helped form and it sounded quite interesting. They were setup to teach new players, and to roam with them and kill stuff. That corporation was Agony Unleashed. Agony Unleashed (for the uninitiated) was a small gang corporation and nullsec group that also had a PVP teaching university where they ran a PVP Basic, Intermeidte and Advanced class, who over the years had helped more than 10,000 people graduate from.... yes 10,000 people!

This piqued my interest and so i went along with Rasql - who was actually now a PVP instructor - and went for a roam.


This completely changed EVE for me.

Anyhow - as my mate had spent so much time building Agony Unleashed up, he very soon burnt out along with other leaders in Agony Unleashed so a few of them splintered off and formed a cloaky weasel corp called Ghost in the Machine. I had gotten on so well with some of their members on comms that I got a personal initiation to the corp from the CEO, and never looked back. I was completely green - only a few PVP basic class roams under my belt. I was a 100% project for Tiaan Strauss (who sadly passed away two years agon in RL), but i never looked back.

Ghost in the Machine was the start for me, and through them and Agony Unleashed, they defined what I am as a pilot in EVE to this day.

The leadership of FUN INC is made up of Agony Unleashed members, and through GIM and AU, they have basically created the corp that i run today.

I owe everything to them both.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Great submission, thanks for sharing FUN INC!

Rushlock's avatar

2009 - I begin EVE, I'm going to shoot rocks and play for FREE! :D I joined a corp solely based on their name including the name Quicksilver which I associated with my X-Men fandom, and their willingness to buy all my ore to simplify my session.

Eventually they started co-op mining fleets with another group, that were far more personable and TZ overlapping with my playtime so I made the jump! Flew with them for a couple years before going on EVE-break until 2013.

Kshal Aideron's avatar

When I started playing, I was determined to be a solo player. I had watched my husband in his null corp have to fleet up, then stand down without ever undocking and shooting anything. This didn't sound fun, so I decided I'd stay a solo player.

To be honest, with the NPSI community alone I probably could have achieved this goal. But you know what they say, Eve is Better with Friends. It took about 4 months of flying with the good folks at FUN Inc to finally convince me to just join. And, I've never left. No matter what I'm CEO of or what grand scheme I get convinced to take part in, FUN will always be home.

FUN INC's avatar

Great to hear this!

I can remember the tipping point!

Remember this tidi fest? > Battle Report Tool (

I seem to recall you & Oli came along to that SW roam, and you both applied shortly thereafter!

Tidi was rolling at snails pace, and we were bouncing tacs, picking off targets isolated, and it allowed for a really considered command of the fleet. If memory serves me correctly, i think we were actually all discussing targets at one point - it was great!

Kshal Aideron's avatar

Yea, I want to think it was somewhere around there. That's the only time I've ever scored kill marks in a Malediction. It also has made me loath tidi. LOL


What truly happened is fading in the folds of time... what I say could be fiction or could be reality... but, one way or another, it happened.

At the time, Alexylva Paradox, was one of the best small-sized corps in lower WH space. They were quite active in all aspect of the game, from pve to pvp (they had some of the highest rates of kills-losses) to rp and writing. I had been fascinated by the lore even before the game so, as I dipped into the rp side of EvE, I met with Xepharious Wrym, writer and recruiter for Alexylva. There was chemistry right there and then and in a matter of days, I was the resident Alpha player of the corp which I remained till the corp was evicted and met its ultimate demise.

Rixx Javix's avatar

After unsuccessfully trying to slow burn towards a Stargate in Todaki I decided to take my Ibis into a belt and start mining to earn iskies. This was just as foolish as trying to fly 14AU. I'm not a big believer in running tutorials and prefer learning the game the hard way, but this was getting rather silly.

Luckily for me I bumped into a very helpful married couple who were also mining in a belt. It was they that told me about the magical right-click in space and how warping worked. They also highly recommended joining a Corporation. I was initially determined to make my way through Eve 100% solo - but the experience of those first few days had started to temper that ambition.

Meanwhile my Son, who was also starting out in another rookie system, had also met a few helpful players. And we decided to join a corporation together called Phoenix Industrial. A week later we found ourselves traveling to Providence and joining the Libertas Fidelitas Alliance as part of the CVA Coalition. This would turn out to be the beginning of a very long adventure that we could never have predicted at the time.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

It's really cool that you play with your son. I've been trying and failing for years to get my dad to game with me.

Sturmer's avatar

I was peacefully running 'The Blockade' Level 4 mission at the gate in Seyllin (0.4) in my PvE Raven when an Armageddon suddenly approached me. I initially thought the pilot was just a traveler stopping by to witness my missiles' superiority over the audacious pirates. But no, to my surprise, he launched an attack to annihilate my vessel.

Consequently, I lost my ship, and the mission failed. I was seething with anger and yearned for revenge, yet I had no idea where to begin. Fortunately, some of my in-game friends suggested I join a PvP academy to learn how to deal with such aggressive pirates.

So, I joined a corporation, and eventually, a larger group known as 'Curse Alliance.' I moved to nullsec and gradually forgot about my plans for revenge (though I did have an opportunity to pay him back later, but that's a story for another time).

In the end, that act of aggression unexpectedly nudged me out of my comfort zone and led me to join a corporation, which turned out to be a beneficial turn of events

Alex Sinclair's avatar

I would very much like to hear the vengeance story sometime. Fortunately, we have just the bounty for that coming up in a couple of weeks.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

A big thank you to EveOnlineTutorials for this bounty idea!

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

No worries :) I think this kind of bounty will produce some real stories and since this is my idea, I will abstain from entering the bounty myself :)

Alex Sinclair's avatar

You're right; it already has! No need to skip it just because it was your idea though. Feel free to enter :)

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Honestly I cannot remember the first corp I joined or its name :P


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