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EVE Online

EVE Online
Jaques Ufaltred's avatar

ISK FinancesTell us how your management of your precious isk has changed over the course of your EVE career. What did it look like in say your first week of playing, versus how does it look now? Do you spend every isk cent you make, do you keep a minimum wallet balance, do you invest in resources or assets? More hilariously, what things did you once think far too expensive that now you use disposably?Entries can be judged based on thoroughness and pure entertainment value. Tips and Tricks for new players would also be appreciated. You mean I SHOULDN’T spend EVERY PENNY to get a ship that is as powerful and blinged out as possible??

Bubba_EvE's avatar
  1. Love when you guys ask us about game balance. Keep it coming!

  2. What was the biggest mistake you made when you were a new player?

  3. Being new is hard, especially in a game as deep as EvE. Do you remember your ingame plans, priorities and ideas when you were new to the game?

  4. The best ship in EvE is FRIENDship. Have you become good friends in real life with people you met at EvE?

  5. The pain is real in EvE. Tell us about your biggest loss in EvE and how it made you feel

  6. Money, money, dolla, dolla $$$. Tell us about your favorite isk-making activities and why you like them

  7. Pimp your ride, bling bling $$$. Tell us about your favorite way to spend your hard-earned isk

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Some great ideas here. I've added some of them to our calendar!

Sturmer's avatar

For this edition of the EVE Online suggest-a-bounty, I propose a mix of ideas to cater to various aspects of gameplay:

The Friendship Machine Initiative

This bounty aims to promote EVE Online's community spirit. Participants would engage in in-game activities to assist 'new bros', documenting these acts of camaraderie. They would then share their experiences online, showcasing EVE as a welcoming and friendly universe. This could involve video or written submissions highlighting their efforts to aid new players.

Fitting Challenge: Level 4 Mission Efficiency

Given the significance of ship fittings in gameplay, I suggest a challenge to find the most efficient ship configuration for farming level 4 missions. This would be an opportunity to demonstrate that marauders might not be the optimal choice, contrary to popular belief. Participants would submit detailed fitting guides and evidence of their effectiveness, perhaps through mission completion times or loot values.

Miners' Corner: Strategies and Pastimes

Recognizing the importance of miners in EVE, this bounty would focus on mining strategies and what players do while mining. Whether it's rotating the ship, watching videos, or chatting with friends, this would provide a platform for miners to share their techniques and personal mining experiences. Submissions could include written strategies, tips, or even creative visual representations of their mining routines.

Each of these bounties not only invites diverse participation but also sheds light on different aspects of the EVE Online universe, from its community to its complex gameplay mechanics.

Swagger Olacar's avatar
  1. Tell us about a time where it was you against a much bigger and stronger enemy and you still maneged to win the engagement.

  2. Tell us about an item in your hanagar that may not be worth much in te big scale of things but that is important for you.

  3. How did you meet your EVE best friend?

Alex Sinclair's avatar

I like all three of these! Consider them scheduled!


Below some bounties suggestions:

Give us your best ship fitter.

Who and where do you get your fittings? You have some trusted space engineer you go looking for? You make your own? If you do, what are the logic you follow?

Tell us about something you did that you wouldn't have expected to do.

Tell us about something, be it a battle, flying a specific ship, joining a specific corp, go living in a specific area of space or something else, you didn't expect you would have done during your career as capsuleer.

Side projects: what do capsuleers do in their off time?

Tell us about a side project related to EvE that you work on beside flying through New Eden. Examples of side projects are running communities, developing third party tools, doing propaganda.

Note: This is to be considered as OOC point of view, but an IC version could work as well.

Every capsuleer has a story: tell us about your character's story from an IC pov.

A bounty for the writer and rp inclined pilots, in this bounty we ask to tell us about your character history, from a IC point of view: how did they got there? What were and are their motivations? What events shaped them?

The best a capsuleer can get. Declaim why your favourite ship is your favourite.

Tell us which is your favourite model of ship and why is so. We are looking for the best of the best, or at least why you think that ship is the best a capsuleer can get.

Names are everything. Do you name your ships? If so, how?

Do you give them names? Do those names have a history? Are they just the ramblings of the pre battle excitement? Or jibs to the enemy?!

PI: Planetary Interaction or Pain Infinite?

Tell us about your PI. How and why did you do the setup you did? Which resources you used and found useful in the pursue of setting up your planet wide operations. (I already suggested this to Alex some days ago.)

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Great suggestions! And rest assured 'Planetary Interaction or Pain Infinite?' is in our calendar. Stay tuned. o7


Show us your rarest item that you own in-game. Be sure to give a description of the item and explain why it is rare.

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Okay, here goes!

  1. How did you lose your first ship & how did it affect you?

  2. How did you make your first billion and what did you do with it?

  3. What was your first PvP kill, was it solo or fleet? Link it up!

  4. Why did you leave your first corporation?

  5. What is your main area of space, high/low/null/wh & why?

Just a few :)

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Thanks for these! We actually ran #3 in the early days of our Alpha; here are the results:

Rixx Javix's avatar

Low Sec Loot Box Frenzy

I will hide 20 secure containers in space around the Low Sec regions of Black Rise, Placid, and Verge Vendor each one containing a valuable partner ship skin. In order to win the bounty you must provide a screenshot(s) of you finding the can and the prize inside. Each can will be numbered and named "Just About #" and hidden in deep safes, weird places, and tricky systems.

The more you find the better your chances of winning the bounty. Of course nothing can stop randoms from finding and collecting these loot boxes, so you'll need to act fast to secure your skins and your chances of winning.

JA NOTE: I honestly have no idea how well this might work, but I'm willing to give it a try. Obviously I'll need a head's up before it launches to coordinate the box drops in twenty different locations. Anything else you can add to the level of difficulty or interest is more than welcome.

Sturmer's avatar

Trust me, it's gonna be salty! But i like the idea

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Rixx Javix this sounds fantastic. I'm off on leave next week, but when I return, I'll talk this through with the rest of the team and get back to you. I suspect they'll be just as keen as I am.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Rixx Javix I spoke to the rest of the team, and they're as excited for this as I am. If you're still up for it, we'd love to take you up on the offer. Unless you have another idea for how we should proceed, I suggest that I'll draft up some bounty text and run it by you to make sure we're on the same page. Then we can agree on a convenient date to launch it.

Rixx Javix's avatar

Sounds great. It will have to be after April 20th, which is our date for the 10th Annual FF4A event. But yes, I'm still up for doing it.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Brilliant. Post April 20 works for me too. I'll get the bounty drafted and over to you to browse at your leisure.


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