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EVE Online

EVE Online

To say I tried it. What else? 😅

I'm not good at shooters and even less first person shooters, so I don't expect to do great things. I also don't have a lot of time to dedicate to them and too much of them gives me headaches so I have to be careful.

On the other end, EvE Vanguard is the spiritual successor of Dust, which back in the day was an interesting experiment as they tried to bridge two different playstyles but also two different sides of the world of New Eden. The idea of being in space in a ship and shooting down where some people are fighting on the ground is still a rather cool idea.

Jaques Ufaltred's avatar

FREE STUFF??? Don't have to ask me twice.

In all reality, EVE has a special place on my computer drive as not only the first video game I ever played back during the pandemic, but also one of the very few games I consistently return to year after year. I remember when I first read about DUST514, then searched long and hard to find it only to realize that it had been discontinued. Now to be fair, I am terrible at FPS games. But I think the concept of combined arms conflict, especially in a game as expansive and beautiful as EVE is something worth trying. If it weren't for the fact that I am A) Broke and B) Busy with school (also contributing to the brokeness, see?) , I would totally hop in to try anyways.

I have Elite Dangerous as a gift from a friend a few years ago, and must say that combined arms conflict is VERY difficult to balance. I am very interested in the mechanics CCP has to ensure that air support is impactful but still balanced, as well as how the mechanics of EVE translate to boots on the ground conflict.

Jaques Ufaltred's avatar

Is this bounty set up properly? It seems to say 1 x $50 prize rather than the 50 x $1 prizes found in the description.

Joel's avatar

That’s an error - we’re on it! Thanks

greybill's avatar

I want to see if they had the chance to put in the sneaky stuff yet. 🐍


I want to try Vanguard’s playtest because I want it to succeed. However, my idea of “success” is probably centered around into molding it closer to my tastes. Therefore I need to participate in the playtests and give tons of feedback so the devs notice and make it more of the tactical team shooter that I desire.

Bubba_EvE's avatar

I want EvE Vanguard to succeed and be as good as possible since I really love the EvE Online Universe and think that Vanguard can enrich even more the EvE experience .

In my humble opinion there is nothing that can even remotely compare to EvE thanks to the sheer scale, depth and degree of freedom that it grants to its players and that has allowed it to forge truly amazing lore and histories entirely by the playerbase


Why do I want to try it? Because it looks like everything I need.

Yes, I'm an old player of Dust who fell in love with gaming after spending entire nights playing with my brother. That game gave me some of the best core memories of my childhood. So when you tell me that you are developing a great looking fps that can potentially offer the same gameplay and fun, all I want to do is try it out, give some feedback, and try to give back just at least a tiny bit of what you guys have done for me. (And also start saving, lol!)

Sturmer's avatar

I’ve participated in previous playtests out of curiosity, always eager to be among the first to see the game's development direction. And, as a journalist, do I really need any other reason? =)

Juno Tristan's avatar

I’m always keen to play Vanguard and my omega status only lasts so long. It’ll be interesting to see what they have added as part of the March play test, I’m hoping the mining laser is a little more interactive than it is in EVE


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