Here's a bounty that's a little bit different. On top of our usual monetary prizes, we're giving away EVE Omega keys. The keys grant access to the upcoming EVE Vanguard playtest (21-25 March) as well as premium access to EVE Online for a few days.
All you need to do to win a key is tell us why you want to join the EVE Vanguard playtest using at least 20 words. We'll select 50 winners, email them their keys, and credit their Just About wallets with $1. And if $1 doesn't sound like much, fear not! We'll be offering a further $600 of bounty prizes during the next playtest, which you can earn through skilful gameplay and other FPS shenanigans.
Do you have any friends with EVE Alpha accounts who'd love to try Vanguard? Share this bounty with them so you can deploy together and show the other warclones who's boss.
Task: Tell us why you'd like to join the next EVE Vanguard playtest
Format: Written (minimum 20 words)
How to submit a written entry:
Hit the 'submit to this bounty' button just below this description - do not use the reply button unless you just want to comment on the thread, as replies will not be counted as entries!
Add a written response and feel free to include images.
Once the deadline closes, we’ll pick 50 submissions, award $1 to each of the winners, and email a temporary EVE Omega key to the email address they used to sign up for Just About.
Disclaimer: Geographical and age restrictions apply. Please see our Terms of Use for more information on how bounties are created and rewarded on Just About. One reward available per member. Please note: If you are chosen as a winner of this Bounty, you are providing CCP ehf. (dba CCP Games) with the right to use your submitted Content. Please see our Terms of Use for full details which shall apply to CCP Games in this respect accordingly.
Take care not to breach copyright. Check our copyright policy before submitting.
Remember to link your social accounts before submitting multimedia assets!
Considering using AI to help? Think twice and first see our approach to AI content on Just About.
Image credit: CCP Games
Bounty Rewards
Bounty Closed
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