We’re halfway through 2024’s Capsuleer Day celebrations, and the festivities are raging on! We ran a bounty challenging our community of veteran EVE Online players to create Capsuleer Day XXI guides so other players can capitalise on the event.
This year, Capsuleer Day offers daily login rewards, as well as combat and exploration challenges not dissimilar to 2022’s EVE x Doctor Who crossover event. In brief, pilots need to complete K-Space challenges to unlock filaments which grant access to more challenging and lucrative Abyssal sites. Below, you’ll find written and video guides explaining what you need to do for both the exploration and combat sites, six super-useful tips for completing them efficiently, and a range of ship fits specifically designed for Capsuleer Day XXI.
So if you’re looking to get some of those sweet Capsuleer Day XXI rewards, read on!
Capsuleer Day XXI and K-Space anomaly overview
To get started, you’ll want to run the desolate collapsed conduit relic sites and/or the treacherous collapsed conduit combat sites - both of which can be found in Highsec and should not be overly challenging to complete. Brother Grimoire recommends any basic exploration fit for the relics and at least a destroyer for the combat anomalies. Check out his Astero fit at the end of this guide for a ship that can handle both.
We’ll hand you over to EveOnlineTutorials to give you - you guessed it - an EVE Online tutorial. Their video starts with a swift overview of the event’s activities, including the 30 days of login rewards, the value of those rewards, and a walkthrough of a desolate Highsec Triglavian site - one of the easier K-Space combat anomalies. In the video’s description, you’ll also find the auto-targeting Jackdaw fit that EveOnlineTutorials used for the job.
If you take nothing else from EVE Online Tutorials’ video, heed this piece of advice: “The normal site etiquette of ‘if somebody is in a site, have some manners and warp out’ does not apply to holiday sites. Fight! Steal! Tooth and nail! Simple as that!”
Another top tip featured in the video is to upgrade to Omega to gain access to the higher-tier rewards. We’ll pass the baton to Brother Grimoire to explain what comes next:“As you complete relic and combat sites, you’ll find filament blueprints and the materials associated with manufacturing them. For exploration, the ruined filament is the starter filament for the event. Creating a filament and using it will take you to a pocket of Abyssal Deadspace full of relic cans to hack.”
Be sure to sell any materials, filaments, or blueprints that you don’t use on the market.
Abyssal data and relic hacking guide
Kane Carnifex put together a written guide for Capsuleer Day 2024’s relic hacking sites. It’s too long for us to share here, but check it out if you want to see a breakdown of your options split into filament tiers. If you prefer your guides in video form, then we highly recommend checking out Wadd Enderas’s excellent three-part series: Hacking to Glory. We’ve shared the videos below.
First up, part one, which discusses the event in general, how to get started, how to acquire through the first filament (T1), and a brief overview of the event’s lore:
Next up, part two, which covers the devastated electrical filament - the second tier of hacking filament (T2):And finally part three, covering the most difficult of the exploration filament challenges - the annihilated electrical filament - as well as the event site buffs. Beneath Wadd’s video, you’ll also find the fit for Wadd’s Covert Ops Buzzard, though note that it might be a tad blingy for some readers’ wallets.
Abyssal combat site guide
The event’s Abyssal sites differ from regular Abyssal Deadspace encounters. Sturmer has put together a typically thorough and helpful guide explaining the differences, the required filaments, how to access the event sites, their time limits, risks, and rewards:
“To enter an event Abyssal site, you’ll need one of the following filaments: sinister exotic filament (T1), vicious electrical filament (T2), disastrous gamma filament (T3), or calamitous firestorm filament (T4). These filaments can be purchased from other players on the market or crafted using blueprints and materials from the two aforementioned K-Space sites: the desolate collapsed conduit (hacking) and treacherous collapsed conduit (combat).
“Key rules and differences: Entry is possible solo or in a pair, but only one filament is required for fleet entry. Filaments can only be activated when piloting one of these eight T1 cruisers: Omen, Caracal, Thorax, Stabber, Maller, Moa, Vexor, or Rupture. Each Deadspace instance has a strict time limit of 30 minutes. Failure to exit before time expires or destruction in the site results in the loss of both ship and pod. The encounter consists of a single pocket where your objective is to defeat a boss battleship. Upon its destruction, loot drops into its wreck, and an origin conduit unlocks for your exit. Enemies encountered will be either Drifter or Triglavian. The site boundary teleports your ship to the opposite side of the arena instead of causing damage. Environmental factors include two types of clouds: anti-tachyon (increases inertia; decreases speed and signature radius) and tachyon (decreases inertia; increases speed and signature radius).”
Six tips for Capsuleer Day XXI Abyssal sites
Those are the details, but what about the strategy? Sturmer provided four pieces of advice focused on the combat sites:
Tip one: "Upon entry, T1 sites will present a boss battleship accompanied by a frigate with a neutralising effect. Be wary: both pose significant threats, and a T2 medium repper may struggle to withstand the damage."
Tip two: "Prioritise killing the frigate first (approximately 700 HP), then focus on the battleship (approximately 25,000 HP in T1). The frigate will respawn in less than a minute, so be prepared to switch targets as needed."
Tip three: "To effectively manage battleship damage, maintain a tight orbit with your afterburner to keep high transversal speed. Using a web can help manage the battleship’s movement, which is especially useful given the cloud effects that can disrupt distance and speed tanking."
Tip four: "From T2 onwards, expect additional sentry guns with high Alpha damage. Consider a passive shield tank to survive these encounters. The priority for targeting should be Sentry → Frigate → Battleship.”
Tip five: "Form a fleet with yourself (right click your portrait in a chat window, then click ‘form fleet with’) and then utilise the tagging feature to mark good and bad cans (I use ‘CTRL’ + ‘4’ + ‘click’ and ‘CTRL’ + ‘5’ + ‘click’ for my tags). This keeps things organised and lets the pilot know at a glance which cans are and aren’t worth taking, and which cans haven’t yet been scanned."
Tip six: "The event repeats itself in structure all the way to the highest difficulty, which is the annihilated filaments. Scan cans, grab loot, make filaments, repeat. At higher difficulties, the only things that change are that the loot should improve, the cans become more numerous, and the hacks get more difficult. With the origin conduit being accessible at any time, I recommend pilots challenge themselves for better loot and more fun.”
Ship fits for Capsuleer Day XXI sites
As well as those mentioned above, we have a few ship fits designed for the various activities. We’ll start with this fit from Brother Grimoire designed with the K-Space relic and combat anomalies in mind. If you’re looking to acquire the starter materials required to run the filaments, this is the Astero you’re looking for.
Damage Control II
Small Armor Repairer II
Multispectrum Coating II
'Chainmail' 200mm Steel Plates
5MN Microwarpdrive II
Relic Analyzer II
Cargo Scanner II
Sensor Booster II
Covert Ops Cloaking Device II
Sisters Core Probe Launcher
Small Trimark Armor Pump II
Small Trimark Armor Pump II
Small Trimark Armor Pump II
Warrior II x15
Poteque 'Prospector' Environmental Analysis EY-1005
Poteque 'Prospector' Hacking HC-905
Sisters Core Scanner Probe x16
Targeting Range Script x1
Heavy Missile Launcher II
Heavy Missile Launcher II
Heavy Missile Launcher II
Heavy Missile Launcher II
Heavy Missile Launcher II
10MN Monopropellant Enduring Afterburner
Stasis Webifier II
Multispectrum Shield Hardener II
Large Shield Extender II
Large Shield Extender II
Shield Power Relay II
Shield Power Relay II
Ballistic Control System II
Ballistic Control System II
Medium Core Defense Field Purger I
Medium Core Defense Field Purger I
Medium Core Defense Field Purger I
As for the Abyssal exploration sites, Covert Ops ships are your best friends. Thankfully Brother Grimoire has created fits for the Buzzard, the Cheetah, the Anathema, and the Helios. Here’s a quick explainer from Brother Grimoire on why his fits shine for the job in hand:
“The cargo scanner allows for a pilot to check individual cans for materials and profit without having to hack them. This saves them valuable time, as each pocket will collapse after 30 minutes has elapsed. Running the sensor booster increases targeting range, allowing cans to be scanned from further afield so the pilot doesn’t have to move as much to see everything in the vicinity. For the Covert Ops fittings, the inclusion of an auto-targeting system allows for three more locked targets, which is a big help while scanning out a pocket. (The Astero doesn’t need this as it can lock seven targets.)”
Here’s our personal favourite, the Anathema:
Inertial Stabilizers II
Inertial Stabilizers II
Inertial Stabilizers II
Inertial Stabilizers II
5MN Y-T8 Compact Microwarpdrive
Relic Analyzer II
Cargo Scanner II
Sensor Booster II
Auto Targeting System II
Covert Ops Cloaking Device II
Small Emission Scope Sharpener II
Small Trimark Armor Pump I
Poteque 'Prospector' Environmental Analysis EY-1005
Poteque 'Prospector' Archaeology AC-905
Targeting Range Script x1
If you’re taking part in Capsuleer Day XXI, don’t forget to snap some screenshots and enter them into our other Capsuleer Day bounty, which lasts until the event closes at the end of May. Some text has been amended for brevity, you can find the original wording at the bounty post.
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