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EVE Online

EVE Online
Wadd Enderas's avatar

Excellent article as always!

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Great article, I really don't know why CCP does not take this and spam their Twitter with it, but it is as you said, in normal sites i.e anomalies in high sec, it is good manners to simply warp out of the site is occupied, there are thousands of them scattered around, more than enough for anyone.

But the holiday sites are not as prevalent and those rules go out the window. Warp in, clear the site faster than the person doing it and if they go suspect, kill them. That loot is short supply and you go get it!


Sturmer's avatar

Was it where I failed to post as a bounty submission?) I still got featured nice!

Alex Sinclair Given the importance of the EVE Online community at JA, I have some feedback. Currently, the only way to ensure fittings remain 'pastable' into Pyfa and the game is the format I've used in my post (I've tested both apps, and it works). While your bulletin style is more compact, it is unusable for Pyfa and the EVE Online fitting screen.

We need help from the tech team to implement a 'code block' WYSIWYG button. This feature is a distinctive and compact way to share fittings. See how it looks on Reddit; it's highly visible and the format allows for easy copy-pasting of fittings into all related apps and services.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Thanks Sturmer! We've been grappling with how to present fits on the platform. I think what you suggest is an elegant solution, especially if we could hide it behind an openable spoiler-style box. I've just sent your suggestion into our tech team for consideration. I can't promise that'll be implemented anytime soon, but it'll definitely be considered!

Brother Grimoire's avatar

I like using EVEWorkbench. The fits can be reduced to a link that is easy to view


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