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EVE Online

EVE Online
Luka Zaharin's avatar

1 h 30 to go. I'm pretty on the edge, but I managed to finish in time! It was a lot of fun, so I hope you enjoy!

The Journey, without memories, you awake in a ship, in a station. The only thing you know, you have to get back.

I made up a little bit of a plot for this one, although I am not entirely sure yet why and where and what happened(s)

Luka Zaharin's avatar

Hey, how did you get those Official Trailer parts in such good quality? Can you download them somewhere?

Kane Carnifex's avatar

JD downloader + Youtube

They just only HD but thats enough for little bit of upscale.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Brilliant! Third-place is yours.

Kane Carnifex's avatar

Was nice topic, but lets get back to pew pew pew.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

There's always time for pew pew

Rixx Javix's avatar

I created a teaser trailer for this fake film SALVAGE for another reward bounty and hoped to create a more involved "trailer" sometime in the future. Luckily this reward came around and while this isn't technically a direct trailer for Eve Online - I think it serves the same purpose. This thing was a real bear to create and took a lot of planning to get the right shots and blow up an Avatar Titan! Which is not easy to do.

I hope you all enjoy it.

Rixx Javix's avatar

Early reviews are in:

"Waste of time this video..."

"A story without words, great visuals and the right music. A gem!"

"Editing videos with powerpoint presentation just isn’t it Rixx."

"Love it!"

"Looks like someone crossed the streams on that titan ;-)"

"Super cool vid!"

Alex Sinclair's avatar


Boomer I nominate this for Member Monday!

Hunter's avatar

Hey Alex Sinclair I tried to submit to this reward many times just before it ended like the last 10 minutes, but the link was rejected every time, even though my account is linked to the social YouTube, I tried to reconnect it but the link was still rejected, I will leave the video link here maybe there is still hope :'( .

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Cheers Hunter - sorry to hear you've run into an issue. We'll judge the winners of this reward later today and we'll treat your entry as if were a submission and organise a manual payment to your wallet if it's prize-worthy

P.S. Do you remember the wording of the notification you received? I'll flag it with our tech team if you do.

Hunter's avatar

Oh thank you so much, So when I linked the video first the submit button was grey and I couldn't click on it, above it It showed a notification that says that I had to provide a link from a connected social media account, so I went and reconnected my YouTube account, but the problem persisted until the reward time ended.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

You're welcome. In fact, we've awarded you second place! I've put in a request to have the prize added to your wallet, which should come through soon. Your trailer is excellent!

Hunter's avatar

oh wow thank you o7, happy you liked it :D.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Your winnings should now have arrived in your wallet :)


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