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EVE Online

EVE Online
mypets's avatar


  • Local challenges: I would highlight the presence of suicide gankers and Sansha raids being a good PvE experience.

  • Opportunities: Ideal for newcomers and traders. Mainly because you can mine, manufacture and trade safely.

  • Unique features: CONCORD guarantees everyone's safety and swiftly punishes those who go against its ideals.

  • Local powers: Large NPC empires reign, with trading hubs like Jita shining as centers of civilization.


  • Local challenges: We don't have a firm CONCORD presence, allowing for ambushes and various dangers.

  • Opportunities: Faction Warfare offers rewards for those willing to fight for a cause. It's also a good place for bounty hunters and pirates. Freedom is an adjective often attributed to the place


  • Local challenges: Here we live anarchy, no laws and no mercy, if you don't know how to create relationships, you'll be easy prey

  • Opportunities: Great rewards in both PVE and mining.

  • Unique features: The sovereignty system allows corporations to control solar systems, administering taxes and structures.

Wormhole Space

  • Local challenges: No local chat, silence is your ally (or enemy?) Entry and exit are temporary.

  • Opportunities: Exclusive resources for building Tech III ships and carrying out operations in total anonymity. Sleeper sites offer valuable loot, but require refined strategies.

Abyssal Space

  • Local challenges: You have a time limit to survive, with Triglavian enemies and traps.

  • Opportunities: Exclusive loot, including mutaplasmids for customizing modules.


  • Local challenges: Restricted access and highly complex mechanics.

  • Opportunities: Lucrative rewards for those who ally with or confront the Triglavians.

  • Unique features: A union between Highsec and Wormhole, with striking PvE and PvP.

yan57436's avatar

High Security Space (Highsec)

I see highsec as a welcoming zone, I feel that we are really protected, especially by CONCORD, mainly because it welcomes newer players, deals with basic mechanics, mining, PVE.

As for challenges, I'd say low bounty rates and the threat of gankers, but I don't think it's a place with recognized threats.

Highsec's main opportunity is precisely as an initial facilitator in the game, since you can establish yourself initially, even though your activities are limited, almost requiring you to “leave home”

Low Security Space (Lowsec)

This is the space between Highsec and Nullsec, where CONCORD is no longer so present, so there are a LOT of pirates here, and you are much more demanding, especially in terms of attention. It's an excellent way to adapt to battles.

The challenge is the possible ambushes you'll suffer, and if you're on the other side of the coin, the challenge of executing an ambush well, since you never know what's coming your way

Null Security Space (Nullsec)

Here we have NO interference from CONCORD, which makes everything a lawless land, being divided into two categories: Sovereign Nullsec, in which corporations and alliances that claim sovereignty over the systems. Nullsec NPC, where we have pirate factions dominating, with no possibility of sovereignty by players.

After that, I don't think I need to tell you what the challenges are, it's a big challenge in itself haha, it definitely demands the maximum from the player.

As a potential, I believe that its rich resources, such as rare minerals and lunar materials


There are several main areas of EVE with different strengths and weaknesses. I will break each down with my experience from a PVP side of things as others have looked into other areas of the game.


This is a ganker zone primarily as many methods of fighting involve the killer losing their ship(s) to Concord after killing their target then looting with alts. The big targets here are Freighters/Jump Freighters/Blockade Runners from the transport side, often caught on or near gates in 0.5 systems, and mission runners that get hunted in key mission running hubs, particularly Marauders and faction battleships. All of these targets are relatively easy to overwhelm with a handful of destroyers or battlecruisers fit with maximum damage output and no tank as they will die regardless.


Faction warfare and pirate organizations are the kings here, often with much smaller sized engagements being the common form of fighting but many large scale brawls can evolve and develop. Often the isk fielded by both sides is heavily influenced by the modules and implants as pods are much more likely to escape with no bubbles and the main large players are wealthy organizations with fewer individual pilots who can afford to field many shiny toys.


Here is where N+1 really takes over. Gone are the days of many good roams particularly with recons and Marauders being so commonplace and generating the apex force that many roaming gangs struggle to compete with. Most commonly, assaults from smaller groups focus around long range projection combined with ewar in the form of damps or disruption to help alleviate the overwhelming defender advantage. This is where the main blob brawls take place as well with thousands of pilots moving together as part of the major bloc alliances.


Here is where the spooky fighting occurs. The groups that dwell here are again some of the richest on a per pilot basis and they will often emerge from their holes blinged to the teeth with few ships but high skills. General WH vs WH pvp focuses heavily on the brawls near the holes with some different comps than you would see elsewhere in the game, often either being heavy armor or heavy shield backed by a few triage FAx and neuting cores with high tank, high dps. Mass limits prohibit absolute swarms of large ships and restrict composition type here more than other areas of the game.

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar


High Sec

High Sec is the newbie area of Eve Online, its primary focus and point is essentially a training ground. It's also home to the mission system as well as which is the primary income for a lot of new players in Eve Online. It is also home to newbie mining ore and a few Ice Sites.

Low Sec

This is essentially a PvP area with mission/explo thrown in. But the primary function of low sec is essentially a combat system area i.e. faction warfare and home to pirate corporations.


This area is a "no local chat" system area, it is essentially claimable space with mass limits meaning that the combat is set to certain ship types and what is built within the wormhole itself, the area also cannot be cynoed into either. it is a very means-tested skill area, it also has great explo opportunities and Sleeper WH sites for good ISK income.

Null Sec

This area has a few NPC areas but the majority is a system in which players own and upgrade the space to make it more lucrative for the players, it is also home to huge battles and space-changing hands etc. It is a highly lucrative space with good explo opportunities and high-end DED complexes which can lead to billions being made per week, also its mining is what is called ABC ores which are the most expensive in-game.


This is a failed experiment by CCP to introduce new space and unless you like hunting random people and camping for hours, it's a space you avoid, whilst eve is Risk vs Reward, Pochven risk to its reward is VERY imbalanced. So essentially it's just a pure campy/cloaky PvP area.

JHenckes's avatar


Wormhole Space, also known as the Anoikis Galaxy, is a collection of systems that are not completely mapped out and are full of dangers. The artificial intelligence known as Sleepers inhabits this space and was very important to the creation of Strategic Cruises. Wormhole Space is lawless and has no CONCORD presence, Empire supervision or Sovereign Alliances.

Wormhole Space is classified into each of six levels, called C1, C2, C3, C4, C5 or C6. They represent how deep-rooted the Sleeper's occupation is and how strong the system's effects can be. This system has no Stargates or stations. If you chose to live there you had to start from a player starbase and accept that wormholes would be your only means of interstellar transportation, but with the emergence of the Citadel this has improved.

Wormhole Space is surrounded by cloud-like nebulae that partially block the view. It is said that the system has the physical conditions for the emergence of rare resources in New Eden. One nice thing about this system is that the local chat here is different. You or any other player will only appear in the channel if you are actually chatting. Otherwise, they simply won't appear. So, to see who's in the system, you need scouts and the D-Scan. Even then, this is no guarantee.

The exploration sites in Wormhole Space are different. They are inhabited by Sleepers (the AI I mentioned earlier), who provide the materials for building technology 3 ships (Tactical Destroyers and Strategic Cruisers). Bringing powerful ships to Anomaly, Data or Relic locations will generate additional warships in Class 5 and 6 systems in the system. These spawns generate good amounts of loot, allowing for a very high profit, but along with a fair difficulty. The climbing waves will regenerate after each downtime, so it is possible to continue cultivating a location for days.

Ore sites are anomalies that contain asteroids that can be mined. An ore site can contain all known ores and is poorly guarded. Wormhole Space's C1-3 classes also contain the same data locations and relics that appear in Nullsec. However, the hackable containers explode if your hack attempt fails too many times, so be careful!

There are 4 types of cosmic signatures in the system:

  • Gas: These sites contain gas clouds, which can be collected using a gas collector to produce technology 3. It's very quiet.

  • Data: Data Sites will contain locked containers, containing items such as datacores, which can be unlocked by Hacking. Just be careful as the sites are heavily guarded!

  • Relic: These sites will contain ancient relics in containers, which must be opened through Archaeology. These locations are also heavily protected!

  • Wormhole: Unknown locations always indicate the location of a wormhole. This wormhole will not appear in your destination system until a player passes through it. Although it's by no means a guarantee, avoiding skipping wormhole signatures significantly reduces the chance of sharing the system with other players.

Personally speaking, Wormhole Space's biggest differentiator is that it provides all the materials to produce technology 3, enabling both the construction of the Tactical Destroyer and Strategic Cruiser ships and the assembly of a complete production line in complete safety! What's more, drugs can be produced to increase profits even further (Walter White, is that you?).

Kane Carnifex's avatar

Reddit Post

Highsec but we still will steal your lolly.
Lowsec nice ship you have, might be a shame if a cyno would be lit.
Nullsec, this is mine, this yours.
Wormhole gurrgles in isk, let it rain.

You can start everywhere with the right friends.

Explain what makes each type of EVE Online's space unique

Concord & No Capitals

Kind of Vanilla Highsec, Wild Wild West with hard rules you can´t break.

No rules. you can own it to make it nice housing.

No rules, but system wide features and very special travel system.
Your station is a loot piata! There are no Titans or Supers here, but plenty of other scary stuff.

Luka Zaharin's avatar

I am going to leave Abyssal arenas, Jove space and other areas that cannot be reached repeatedly by normal means aside and focus on more accessible regions of space.

Most players distinguish three areas: known space, also called K-Space is connected by jumpgates and split in three different security areas. Wormhole systems, also known as J-Space, that can only be reached though unstable wormhole connections spawning in random locations and Pochven, an area of dangerous space arranged in a large triangle with jumpgates in the region itself, but no stable link to normal space.

K-Space, normal space, is the place every new player enters after the tutorial and connects most of the systems of New Eden. It has three general safety levels which are controlled by different NPC and player entities:

  • Highsec (1.0 to 0.5): NPC police punishing illegal PvP activities, generally a low risk, low reward environment. Owned by large NPC factions and often quite unpersonal due to the low risk or even toxic due to the apparent safety and difficulties in resolving issues with a 1v1 at the sun.

  • Lowsec (0.4 to 0.1): One of the most dangerous spaces, but also sometimes very empty. Very active in factional warfare PvP areas. Quite high risk, high reward on PvE and PvP activities. A good place for a chat in local, as most fierce PvPers actually like a good talk after turning you into a wreck. Under NPC control.

  • Nullsec (0.0 to -1.0): Split into Sovnull and NPC null in itself with Sovnull being owned by large player organised blocks. Very large scale battles, high safety measures offering a lot of security to the members of the blocks in their space. Very high reward PvE activities, usually you need a large group of players in your back. NPC null has NPC stations in it and cannot be claimed by players. Inhabited by smaller groups, this space combines the dangers of nullsec with the safety of assets offered by lowsec.

Wormhole systems are not connected via stargates. Their designation of J-Space comes from the unique system number every WH system has, starting with a J followed by 6 digits. They have different classes with different levels of danger from the NPCs and differences in the strength of their possible WH effects. C1 holes have weak effects and relatively harmless NPCs, but C6 are very dangerous and even require capitals to ensure optimal dealing with the NPCs. Wormhole systems are always -1.0 security and have no police whatsoever. They can only be entered through scanned cosmic signatures (WH connections) and have no real reliable exit. They are a high activity PvP area with intense fights over control and a lot of cloaky warfare. Since there is no active local chat, you never exactly know who is in system with you. Additionally, there are no NPC stations in any WH other than Thera.

Finally there is Pochven. With the Triglavian Invasion starting in 2019 intense ingame fights against the new NPC faction ended in 27 star systems being removed form normal space and reconnected via triglavian gates and forming a new region. Just as WH space, Pochven has no active local or any security forces, but the gates and it's pipe nature make it a highly dangerous PvP area. It has a unique NPC ecosystem and some of the most stunning graphics, best enjoyed in a cloaky ship. Pochven can be entered end exited through WH connections and special filaments. It has NPC stations with standing requirements as well as some player driven freeports, but you cannot have jump clones or your home station in the region.

orik Kado's avatar

Null Sec Space

The final frontier, it is the deepest and most remote part of the known space connected by stargates. It is home to the largest alliances in all of New Eden, who, through the efforts of their members, can claim and dominate vast regions to conduct their activities. However, their presence is never welcomed by the various pirate factions, which are limited to controlling systems where no one else can claim sovereignty (Null Sec NPC).

Depending on the region, you can face off against pirate factions, destroy their locations, and claim bounties on their heads (PVE). Additionally, you’ll have the opportunity to gather intelligence needed to access their most secret sites, where great rewards may await you (Escalations).
You can also access a wealth of minerals and resources to manufacture nearly anything required, along with rich planets offering specialized materials and lunar riches waiting to be harvested for crafting colossal ships to maintain regional dominance. This dominance can be contested by any major alliances seeking to expand their harvesting zones. Hidden sites with data and relics also await explorers hungry for fame and fortune.

Being part of a well-established alliance can simplify access to the immense wealth found here. However, if you feel adventurous and capable enough, you may try to exploit its potential solo when its residents are distracted elsewhere. Remember, CONCORD has no jurisdiction in these areas, so there are no rules—only the dominance of the strongest... or the swiftest.

Rixx Javix's avatar

Low Security Space

Space so scary it comes with a warning. Low Security space is the lawless domain of Pirates and players without morals, degenerates, thieves, and elite pilots that have created a whirlwind of chaos that can be challenging to wrap your head around. Which is why Low Sec is the most mis-understood section of New Eden and always has been, which is one of the many reasons the players who live there love it so much.

As the Pirate Lord of Low Sec this criminal area of New Eden has been my home for almost fifteen years now and few players love it as much as I do. From the vast tracks of empty void between the interesting bits, from the Jita gate camps of Tama, to the insanity of Amamake, the Factional Warfare zones, and the new roving Insurgency of the Deathless, to the Null Sec entrance gates, and the mission-running freaks, the gas cloud miners, and the multi-boxing hordes of Algos and Arbitrators - every single bit of its chaos and craziness is what draws me back day after day.

The Empires have no reach there. The Null-Sec powers have no ownership there. Everything that happens in Low Sec happens because of the players who play there. This is fascinating, challenging, and daunting. Some players can learn to embrace the chaos, while others are consumed by it. Still others will try to dip their toes into it briefly for profit or gain. But whatever brings you to this wild west adventure show - you should better understand what you are flying into.

Factional Warfare - The Empires fight a never-ending battle for nominal control of certain areas of Low Security Space that is called Factional Warfare (FW). These contests involve running varying sized plex and gaining each side Loyalty Points for certain achievements. This is a very basic explanation of a more complex game mechanic and there are better guides to be found. What you need to know is that these areas of LS space are among the busiest and most popular systems in Low Sec. Factional Warfare is a great place to learn and gain knowledge about Eve Online mechanics.

Pirate Insurgency - The Deathless has joined the fight. Various NPC pirate groups have begun a new campaign within Low Sec similar to those found in FW. The difference is insurgencies change locations on a regular basis and only run until a certain number of systems have been pushed towards or away from certain goals. The biggest change here is that when a pirate system has reached Stage Five (5) the gate and station guns no longer function normally and this allows for warp disruption bubbles to be used in the system. This will increase the amount of gate camps in the effected system.

Pirates - Low Sec is home to various groups of independent pirate organizations, such as my own - Stay Frosty. These are groups of dedicated PvP enthusiast who work to perfect their skills in Player Versus Player combat. Typically such groups do not have blues and tend to attack anyone they see as a potential target. They do so for glory, pride, and profit. And while every single player has their own motivations, goals, and methods, they all share a common desire to be great at their profession. Be warned.

Profiteers - Low Sec is also home to a wide range of players looking to make a profit from the chaos. DED and Mission Runners. Miners. Industrialists. Planetary Miners and Industry experts. Traders, and many more see LS as a land of opportunity. These players fill in the gaps in the system and bring much needed variety to our space.

There are systems in Low Sec that are always crowded and busy. There are systems in Low Sec that few players ever engage with. There are systems next to High Security space and sytems that lead into player controlled Null Sec space. There are systems known to be mission running hubs, and systems with local organizations that call those systems home. It is a collection of variety squeezed into the borderlands between Empire space and Null Sec, with ever-changing access to Wormholes and more.

For those players willing to take on the challenges this unique space brings, the rewards can be astronomical.

Y0EMINENCE's avatar

New Eden in EVE Online is segmented into areas with varying levels of security and gameplay styles. High Security Systems (Highsec) are the safest, with ratings from 1.0 to 0.5 under CONCORD's watchful eye. Low Security Systems (Lowsec), with ratings from 0.4 to 0.1, offer less protection and more PvP opportunities. Null Security Systems (Nullsec) have no security rating, functioning as lawless zones where player corporations can claim sovereignty.

New Eden includes Wormhole Space (W-Space), accessible only through wormholes, offering dynamic and uncharted territories; Pochven, a new region with unique mechanics controlled by the Triglavians; and Abyssal Deadspace, small, challenging pockets with unique environmental effects. The universe is interconnected by stargates, grouped into constellations and regions, with special locations like the EVE Gate adding depth to the exploration and narrative of New Eden.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

These descriptions are all super helpful. Thanks everyone for such detailed response!


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