I turned an assassination attempt on my life and a war-dec against my new corps around into a player-run event which shattered an opposing alliance.
My first major deep-dive into joining and involving myself with corporations and alliances took me out to Khanid space in 2013. I rose to the level of Director and the number-two-man of a particular corporation run by a CEO who I had befriended for a few years. Over time, as membership participation in operations declined, I lost interest in flying with the corporation and left. A few days later, while mining in Gallente space, my former CEO showed up in a Maelstrom and attempted to assassinate me by firing on my Hulk. Luckily, I survived.
When I docked and repaired, I made calls to all of my former corporation’s system-wide business partners, which were associations and relationships I had established throughout my time in the corporation, and informed them of my CEO’s treachery. Business dealings and partnerships collapsed overnight, and the corporation found itself without friends. I joined a new alliance (in the very same system), and three months later, disgruntled members of my former corporation destroyed the corporation's player-owned starbase, demonstrating their disdain for the CEO. Ever since that moment, my former CEO took it upon himself to harass and try to intimidate my corporations, alliances, and friends by sending spiteful EVEmails or performing aggressive maneuvers near their operations.
Three years later, I found myself and my new private corporation of myself and a friend under a war declaration from none other than my former CEO. At the time, I had decided to give player-run corporations another chance, and had likewise been running player-driven events throughout EVE Online for three years. Upon the recommendation of a friend, I decided to use those skills to my advantage.
I hosted and sponsored a “hunt event:” players would be rewarded with ISK bounties for scoring kills against ships and pods of my former corporation and its tyrannical CEO, with PLEX prizes being awarded to those who killed the CEO first, as well as those who scored the highest number of ship kills, pod kills, and kills on the CEO. Friends donated PLEX to the cause.
Within hours of the event’s official start, the CEO himself and his entire gang fleet were assassinated in a wormhole. Within the week of the war-dec, my former CEO’s current alliance was shattered, with one corporation deserting from the alliance due to the pressure of so many fighters participating in the event. This corporation offered to surrender to us.
We refused.
The event continued.
At the end of the event and the week-long war-dec, 35 ships and 18 pods were destroyed by participants, including 9 ship and pod losses on the CEO personally, racking up a total of $980,000,000 in bounty and PLEX prizes awarded to participants.
My CEO never bothered me again.
At the time, I had little PvP experience, but given my business contacts and my ability to bring people together, I knew plenty of people who could!
Fly safe, everyone!