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EVE Online

EVE Online

Showcase the must have tools and addon content for EVE

Alex Sinclair's avatar

A very nice idea, but we actually already ran that bounty a few months ago. Here's the curated content:

Feel free to edit your submission to another idea or correct me if that wasn't quite what you were imagining.

JAKEL33T's avatar

Bounty: Share Your Favorite use of ESI to build tools/resources for Eve Online players.

More love for 3rd Party Devs in bounties with what I wanna see.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Thanks for the submission JAKEL33T. Any reason you'd limit this to ESI tools?

Rixx Javix's avatar

Do you have any famous Eve player corpses in your collection? Share a screenshot and a story about how you got them.

Schadsquatch's avatar

Who is your favorite EVE streamer and why? What do they do right that other EVE streamers seem to be missing?

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Nice idea. I'd been thinking about something like this as well.

Melicien Tetro's avatar

Tell us about your best experience extracting a ransom, with screenshots if possible. :D

Swagger Olacar's avatar

Rightful Retrubution. Submit a story (wrtitten, video, etc.) where you got revenge or another player/organization.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Great shout. I can see this as one of the storytelling bounties.


Obtain a kill mail from each of the major alliances

Alex Sinclair's avatar

I like that a lot. Would you limit the killmails to a certain time period?

Schadsquatch's avatar

Would be a good bounty! First x people to do it from date y to date z get a reward!

FUN INC's avatar

Tell us about a long term plan / operation / heist that you pulled off

Rushlock's avatar

What was the last in game activity you co-op'd with another player that you didn't know before the activity? Did you meet in game, via Discord, other?


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