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Farming Simulator 25

Farming Simulator 25

One of my favorite money makers is the Mushroom Greenhouses. Details below:

  • In the construction menu go to the greenhouse section and select Small Mushroom Greenhouse.

  • Place 2 to start with on land you own.

  • Buy a water tanker from the shop. E.g. the Abi 500 tanker. Attach this to your tractor.

  • You can use the water point under the windmill on RiverBend Springs map to fill the tanker up with water or on any map you can just find the nearest water source with a not too steep and angle to the water to fill up the tanker.

  • To do the above, reverse the tanker into the water, but don't go too far. You just want enough that the option to fill the tanker is displayed on the screen.

  • For the small Mushroom Greenhouses it will take 3 and a half trips to the water source to fill them once the water is transported to the greenhouses.

  • In the owned productions menu select each Mushroom Greenhouse at a time and select each lot of mushrooms.

  • Once selected, activate the production for each.

  • I like to select the output to storing so that the pallets of Mushrooms are spawned in the pallet area but you can set the output to sell.

  • It takes about 3 months in game for the Greenhouses to spawn a pallet.

  • Once pallets are being produced you can transport these pallets on a trailer to the best selling point on the map. To check where you will get the best price on the map you can go to the prices area and select Mushrooms.

  • Once you have sold your Mushroom products, that's it. You have completed your Mushroom production.

Rich's avatar

Excellent; thanks for this detailed, step-by-step breakdown!

mypets's avatar

I really enjoy raising sheep to produce wool and clothes. It's a simple line of production, but I find it very profitable.

It all starts with herding the sheep, where we need a suitable location to keep them and provide grass or hay for their feed. So it's important (first of all) to buy an enclosure for the sheep, which is where they will stay. There are some cheap options, between 40,000 and 50,000 euros, ideal for beginners. As for food, you can harvest the grass yourself from the fields or pasture, while hay needs to be produced by drying the grass and making it with a baler.

With the sheep in the paddock, they will automatically start producing wool over time, so the wool is stored on pallets around the paddock and we can collect it when the pallets are full. But always remember to look after your flock, the sheep need to be fed to guarantee wool production.

Then we can move on to processing the wool into fabric. You'll need to buy a spinning mill (around 40,000 euros for a basic version), and that's where we'll take the pallets of wool that are ready (you can use a flatbed trailer or a pallet fork).

The fabric produced can be sold or taken to a sewing workshop to be made into clothes. It is also possible to use the fabric or even the wool to produce ropes, which is also profitable. The choice depends on your strategy.

Once you have produced your clothes or ropes, you can sell them at the points of sale on the map. It's a good idea to keep an eye out, as some places offer higher prices, depending on demand.

I really like sheep farming, it can be very profitable and an excellent investment, especially for those just starting out... the main costs are the paddocks, the feed and the spinning mill, but the investment is worth it. Selling clothes adds a lot of value to the product and optimizes profits.

yan57436's avatar

Producing cheese, however obvious it may seem, involves a series of steps, so I'll do my best to detail what you need to do:

1. Cattle

How would we have cheese without what gives us milk? So start by securing a barn for cows, there are several, differing in price and area of capacity, now all you have to do is buy the cows.

2. Milk production

For your cows to produce milk effectively, try feeding them total mixed ration (TMR), as this guarantees higher production, but if you can't, they'll do just fine on hay and grass, just reducing their production.

Note: TMR is made by combining hay, straw and silage in a mixer.

Note 2: Remember to always collect the milk, it's necessary.

3. Collecting and transporting the milk

Buy or rent a milk tanker, use it to extract the milk from the barn.

Drive and take the milk to the cheese dairy, just pour it in at the indicated points.

4. Cheese dairy

Buying a cheese dairy is a good investment, you convert the milk into cheese for a fee and it is generated in 500-liter pallets.

To transport the pallets, I recommend a forklift, taking them to the transport trucks.

5. Sales

Sell the cheeses at markets or fairs, prices vary depending on the moment.

6. Final thoughts

I think it's a good form of income, as it's better than selling raw milk, but it requires a certain constancy in its production, which ends up requiring a certain amount of care at all points in the process, such as ensuring regular feeding for the cows. I hope it can help those who are just starting out in the game!

AustriaFarmer's avatar

One option that you can currently use in the base game is the used machine market.

Open the vehicle menu and look under the Offers tab to see which vehicles or attachments are available there with a decent discount.

Buy the corresponding vehicle or attachment and drive it to the workshop of your choice. Have the vehicle or attachment repaired and/or painted there.

This will mean additional expenses, but the value of the machines will increase.

If you now sell your vehicle or attachment, you will receive more money than you spent.

If you now happen to use a mod, such as the workshop with staff, where you have a one-off purchase cost and pay a monthly fee depending on the equipment in the workshop, then the repair and painting will not cost you anything extra.

This means you can maximize your profit from the used machine market even further.

Have fun trying it out

I will link the video later

Fras_Shoyo's avatar

An intriguing commercial alternative with great cash generating potential is the Mushroom Greenhouse. Let me dissect the exact actions from setup to sales:

Go to the part on *Greenhouse Construction* in the menu and choose "Small Mushroom Greenhouse".

Two of these little greenhouses should be placed on your land.

Water Procurement : Invest in a water tank, say an Abi 500 tanker from the retailer. Attach this tractor water tank.
In particular, From the water point below the windmill on the River Bend Springs map or any other map with a nearby water source, you may load the tanker with water.
Regarding: Get near enough for the option to fill the tanker to display on the screen and flip the ship into the sea.
In particular: - Once the water gets to the Small Mushroom Greenhouse, it takes around 3 and a half visits to the water source to fill the greenhouse.

Choose each Mushroom Greenhouse separately and then each mushroom lot from the production menu.
A - Once chosen, start manufacture for every greenhouse.
- Either you directly set the output to be sold or you configure the production output to be stored so that a pallet of mushrooms will show up in the pallet area.

awaiting for manufacturing : Greenhouses generate mushroom pallets in-game around three months apart.

Once the pallets are manufactured, move them using a trailer to the greatest selling position on the map.
In particular: - Visit the price area on the map and choose Mushrooms to investigate the best pricing.
The following: At the best price, sell your Mushroom items at the selling point.

You have completed the process of growing and marketing mushrooms from the Greenhouse after all these stages are accomplished.

FarmerJim's avatar


One of my favorite things to do in Farming Simulator is setting up a cow farm. Farming Simulator 25 introduces quite a few new producitons that I was really interested in. This insipired me to do a video on transforming Grandpa Walter's Farm into a Dairy Operation with some of the new productions on the dairy side.

So in this video, I go through detailed steps on setting up Cow Pens and Pastures, how to use them, setting up the fields to support your cow farm. How to mix TMR and maintain the pens after they are up and running.

From there once the cow farms start producing milk. I go through on how to setup productions and show viewers how to use the new warehouse to gather products you don't produce to create another product on your farm. Ending with the importance of delivering them to the Farmers Market. This video guides you through the setup process for each aspect of the dairy production farm. It will also give you an idea of a time scale, before your dairy farm production starts making a profit.

I had fun making this video and I hope everyone finds it informative.



Canola Oil

Producing canola oil in Farming Simulator 25 requires growing canola and processing it at an Oil Mill. Here’s a detailed overview of the process:

Prepare the field by plowing, applying lime (if required), and fertilizing for maximum yield.

Use a seeder to plant canola during the appropriate planting season, typically late summer or early autumn.

HHarvestthe canola with a combine harvester fitted with a standard header when the crop matures.

Load the harvested canola into a trailer and transport it to the Oil Mill. Ensure you have a tipper trailer capable of carrying bulk crops.

  • Purchase an Oil Mill:
    This facility costs around $80,000–$120,000, depending on the map. Alternatively, rent or use one already on the map.

  • Production Cost:
    Processing canola into oil costs $50/hour. The mill converts 100 liters of canola into 50 liters of canola oil.

  • Output:
    Canola oil is produced in palletized form, with each pallet containing 1,000 liters.

This production will give you a great profit if done correcrtly, good luck!!

Rich's avatar

Hey GoDadFarming, thanks for this useful, detailed answer! How does canola oil compare to other products in terms of profitability?

Rich's avatar

(Not to sound too single-minded about it or anything)

FarmerCop's avatar

I made a basic guide showing off production basics for any player that applies to every production chain, again hope this helps you!


In Farming Simulator there are many productions, one of the simplest are sheep for the production of clothes.

First you need a place to put the sheep that will then give us wool. Sheep require little work, since in FS25 they eat the grass of the meadow, but mainly you just have to give them grass or hay.

Once this is done, just wait a bit and we will have the first pallets of wool, once this is done you will just have to buy the spinning mill.

In FS25 there are productions of the same type both more expensive so above 250,000 euros but also about 40,000 euros and six at the beginning the cheapest one could be enough.

Once the spinning mill is taken, the wool is delivered there and the latter will begin the production of fabric, once the fabric is obtained you can buy the tailoring, also more economical or more expensive this is your choice, and from there you can produce clothes as well as finished wool products.

Alternatively you can produce the fabric and clothes with cotton or you can use cotton or wool to produce ropes.


I find that making Bread with Flour from wheat havrest is the way to go

With wheat you get a lot of yield from a field, from a 2.45 acre land like from field 4 you can get 10830 ofwheat if done to it highest yield amount. Every 5 wheat you can make 4 wheat flour then head over to the Bakery and use your wheat flour to make bread.

with 10830 wheat turned in wheat flour thats 8664 (ish) of wheat flour, thats makes around 96 pieces of bread selling bread at its highets value at $3,472 that can make you around $330,300

Rich's avatar

Hey Kevrs3, many thanks for this! It looks useful and would be eligible for a reward with a little more detail - remember to read the instructions carefully, we're looking for at least 200 words for these. Could you edit your submission and add a little more about, for instance, how to maximise wheat yields or the equipment farmers will need to complete this production line?


@Funjetor translated text.

a Guide on how to use greenhouses to generate income.

to generate garlic, tomatoes, lettuce or others, the first thing to do is to take water with a vehicle and a tank, for example an Abi 500. The water is collected and delivered to the blue tank of the greenhouses, once refilled, the production we want is activated. After several days, the first pallets will appear, which we will load with a front loader or a small bull on a trailer. Then we will look in the menu for the point of sale to which we must deliver it. Always looking for the most expensive price, if we have time we can store the pallets to date with the highest point. where we will load and sell getting an optimal performance.


This would be one of the easiest productions when it comes to generating money.


On the other hand, if you like animals, the most profitable animal is the sheep.

We will need to buy a sheep enclosure, where we will feed them hay.

After a few months they will begin to give us wool, which we will take to the yarn factory where we can generate fabric, which once stored we can take it to the clothing factory. where after processing it it will bring us a profit of about 10k per pallet. This is something that will make us grow fast. but it is undoubtedly a slightly longer process.


una Guia sobre como usar los invernaderos para generar ingresos.
para generar ajos, tomates, lechugas u otros, lo primero que se debe hacer es coger agua con un vehículo y un deposito por ejemplo un Abi 500. se recoge el agua y se entrega en el deposito azul de los invernaderos, una vez rellenado se activa la producción que queramos. tras varios días aparecerán los primeros palets, los cuales los cargaremos con una cargadora frontal o un pequeño toro en un remolque. después buscaremos en el menu el punto de venta al que debemos entregarlo. siempre buscando el precio mas caro, si tenemos tiempo podremos almacenar los palets hasta la fecha con el punto mas alto. donde cargaremos y venderemos sacando un rendimiento optimo.

este seria una de las producciones mas fáciles a la hora de generar dinero.

Encambio si lo que te gustan son los animales el animal mas rentable es la oveja.
necesitaremos comprar un recinto para ovejas, donde las alimentaremos con heno.
tras unos meses empezaran a darnos lana, la cual la llevaremos a la fabrica de hilo donde podremos generar tela, la cual una vez almacenada podremos llevarla a la fabrica de ropa. donde tras procesarla nos reportara un beneficio de unos 10k por palet. esto es algo que nos ara crecer rápido. pero sin duda es un proceso un poco mas largo.

Boomer's avatar

Hi Funjetor, this is just a friendly reminder that we're currently an English-language-only platform. We'd like to add more language support in the future, but in the meantime I recommend using a free online translation tool.

Feel free to tag me ( Boomer ) if you have any questions 🙂


sell whichever crop is on a great demand at the market and make some money from there

PandaTime's avatar

Let’s walk through setting up and managing a grain flour production line in Farming Simulator 25, from field to finished product, ready for sale. This guide will cover everything from choosing the right crop to setting up production facilities and maximizing profits.


Step 1: Prepare and Plant Your Crops

1. Choose the Crop: For flour production, you’ll need wheat, barley, or oats. Start with wheat as it’s easy to grow and widely available.

2. Field Preparation:

- Plow or Cultivate: Use a plow or cultivator to prepare the soil for planting. Some fields may require lime or stone removal to improve yield.

- Apply Fertilizer: Boost your crop output by applying fertilizer before or after sowing.

3. Sow Your Seeds: Attach a seeder to your tractor and plant wheat. Ensure your equipment matches your field size for efficiency.

4. Monitor Growth: Use the in-game calendar to ensure crops are planted in the right season and wait for them to grow. Use herbicides to deal with weeds and reapply fertilizer if needed.


Step 2: Harvest Your Crops

1. Harvesting Equipment: Use a harvester with a grain header to cut and collect your wheat. Make sure the harvester is regularly maintained to avoid breakdowns.

2. Transport: Transfer the harvested wheat into a trailer and take it to your silo or production facility.


Step 3: Set Up the Flour Mill

1. Purchase or Lease a Flour Mill:

- If you don’t already own one, purchase a flour mill from the Production Chain menu. It will convert your wheat into flour for a fee.

- Alternatively, place your own production building using the Construction menu for more control over operations.

2. Deliver Wheat to the Mill: Use your trailer to transport the wheat to the mill’s unloading point. Once delivered, the wheat will automatically begin processing into flour.


Step 4: Manage Production

1. Activate Production: In the Production Chains menu, select your flour mill and ensure the production is active. You can adjust priorities if the mill processes multiple crop types.

2. Monitor Output: Keep an eye on your mill’s storage space to avoid bottlenecks. Flour will be stored in pallets, which can be picked up once they’re full.


Step 5: Store or Sell the Flour

1. Storage Options:

- Use a warehouse or your farmyard to store flour pallets until market prices are favorable.

- The in-game price fluctuation chart helps determine the best time to sell. Generally, prices peak in late winter or early spring.

2. Transport for Sale:

- Use a pallet fork or flatbed trailer to load flour pallets for transport. Many markets, such as the bakery or general store, accept flour.

- Drive carefully to avoid losing pallets during transport.


Step 6: Selling Your Flour

1. Choose the Best Buyer: Check the in-game market menu to see which location offers the highest price for flour.

2. Sell Your Goods: Deliver the flour to the buyer’s unloading area. Once offloaded, the sale amount will be credited to your account instantly.


Step 7: Optimize for Profit

1. Expand Operations: Over time, consider growing larger fields, adding irrigation, or investing in upgraded equipment to increase efficiency.

2. Diversify Production: Grow barley or oats to add variety to your flour production or branch into producing bread by delivering flour to a bakery.

3. Monitor Costs: Keep track of production expenses like fuel, labor, and repair costs to ensure profitability.


By following these steps, you’ll have a well-oiled grain flour production line, turning crops into high-value products and maximizing your farm’s revenue. Happy farming! 🚜

Rich's avatar

Hi PandaTime, thanks for entering this reward! It looks useful, but also shows signs of having been produced by generative AI (here's our policy on AI content). Could you please tell us how you made this?

PandaTime's avatar

I created a list outlining how I would approach a production setup and used AI to enhance its readability and organization.


Here’s a detailed guide to managing a production line in Farming Simulator 22/25 (general principles apply to both versions), using bread production as an example. This includes setup, operation, and selling the final product.

1. Setup

a. Land Preparation

  • Choose a plot: Select a plot of land near your production facilities to minimize transport time.

  • Plow and seed the field: Prepare your land by plowing and planting wheat or barley, which are essential ingredients for bread production.

b. Required Equipment

  • Tractors and tools: Invest in a good tractor, a cultivator, a seeder, and a harvester.

  • Trailers: Ensure you have trailers for transporting harvested grain.

c. Production Facility

  • Purchase or lease a grain mill to process wheat or barley into flour.

  • Purchase or lease a bakery to turn flour into bread. Both facilities can be found in the in-game production menu or placed on your farm.

2. Input Production

a. Growing the Crop

  1. Seeding: Plant wheat or barley in the prepared fields. Ensure the right planting season to optimize growth.

  2. Fertilizing: Apply fertilizer to improve yield. Use solid or liquid fertilizer, manure, or slurry.

  3. Weeding: Remove weeds to maintain crop health. Use a weeder or herbicide.

  4. Water and Lime: Some fields may require lime to maintain pH balance or water for irrigation (depending on game settings).

b. Harvesting

  1. Use a harvester with the appropriate header to harvest wheat or barley.

  2. Collect the grain in a trailer and transport it to your grain mill.

3. Processing

a. Grain Mill

  1. Deliver grain: Deposit the harvested wheat or barley at the grain mill.

  2. Monitor production: Check the production tab to ensure flour is being produced. Adjust production rates if needed.

  3. Store or transport flour: Collect flour pallets when ready or directly transfer them to the bakery if auto-delivery is enabled.

b. Bakery

  1. Supply flour: Deliver or auto-transfer flour to the bakery.

  2. Provide water or additional ingredients: Some production chains may require water, sugar, or other inputs depending on mods.

  3. Activate production: Start bread production in the bakery’s interface.

4. Selling

a. Transport Bread

  • Once bread is produced, it will appear as pallets outside the bakery. Use a forklift or pallet trailer to load them onto a vehicle.

b. Choose a Selling Point

  • Check the in-game economy tab for the highest selling price for bread. Prices vary by location and season.

  • Transport the bread to the selling point with the best price.

c. Optimize Timing

  • Use seasonal fluctuations to your advantage by storing bread and selling when prices peak.

5. Maximizing Efficiency

  • Upgrade Equipment: Use higher-capacity harvesters and trailers as your farm expands.

  • Expand Fields: Increase the number of fields or add additional crops for more production.

  • Automate: Use workers to handle repetitive tasks like plowing and harvesting.

6. Profit Analysis

After selling the bread, compare production costs (seeds, fertilizer, machinery maintenance) with profits to assess efficiency. Reinvest profits into equipment, facilities, or land expansion to grow your operation.

This methodical approach ensures smooth operation, high-quality bread production, and maximum profit in Farming Simulator.


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