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Film & TV

Film & TV
FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Lord Of The Rings


End Of Story

Mic Drop

Thomas's avatar

In terms of licensed music, seems like an obvious answer but Tarantino films are generally pretty great, especially Kill Bill. I also love the Romeo + Juliet soundtrack, the sound of Radiohead's Talk Show Host is permanently coupled with a young and angsty Leonard DiCaprio looking wistfully out into the distance

When it comes to original scores, I love love love Under the Skin's eerie microtonal score. Fargo's is real good, too.

Horror and Cats's avatar

For SOUNDTRACKS specifically I love all the songs in Step Up combined with its goofy story and fun choreography.

OSTs would be a totally different story. I’d have to think for quite a while to even get a top five.

Juuni's avatar

One of my all time favorites is Star Trek the Motion Picture. The movie itself is a slog in parts but damn the music is chefs kiss


That Thing You Do has a great soundtrack. All of the music that is part of the story is the soundtrack and all fits beautifully.

FrostySomething's avatar

Recently watched the recent Super Mario Bros film and thought it had a really fun soundtrack! 🎮


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