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Film & TV
Horror and Cats's avatar

Season 1 of The Good Place

mar1gold 's avatar

Has to be Sixth sense for sure!

Horror and Cats's avatar

GOAT twist if you ask this horror fan.


Without doubt the sixth sense, but with Stella already highlighting this one, I'll choose Shutter Island!

Some people say they saw it coming a mile off but I personally didn't and thought it was a brilliant twist. When you watch the movie again after finding that out everything makes more sense. A brilliant film with Dicaprio on top form!


nina myers being the mole in 24 !!

AlexGra 's avatar

"Inception" for sure!

Daniel's avatar

"The Shawshank Redemption"

Paul's avatar

Four simple words....

I am your father!

Sturmer's avatar

Amélie (2001)

The film 'Amélie' masterfully transitions from a lighthearted, quirky narrative to a deeply introspective examination of its characters' inner lives. This particular shift, from simple joy to truly complex emotional landscapes, is why I've chosen to highlight this movie. Having rewatched it in 2023, I discovered many new dimensions that I missed in my early 20s, adding even more depth to this cinematic experience.

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Worlds End - Simply put because this isn't a spoiler, it starts off as a depressed, bunch of guys trying to get together to relive their hay day and then turns into an apocalyptic Sci-fi mashup which gets more and more interesting as the film carries on.

Damien Mason's avatar


Back in 2004, I believed the true horror icon had died in the 90s with what I like to call 'sequelitis' killing any hope we'd get another compelling villain that would stand the test of time. Then, along came Jigsaw. The sequels lost the charm of the original in a flood of blood and gore, but that first film sealed the deal with a twist.


Fight Club. No one saw that coming, ever!

Lanah Tyra's avatar

One for the anime lovers: Soukyuu no Fafner (Fafner in the Azure)

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