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Film & TV
Rupert's avatar

Monkey Man was great! I didn't know much about it going in, so I didn't quite realise it was Dev Patel as John Wick x Jason Bourne x Fight Club... but some of the fights and kills were incredible. 4/5 :)

Sturmer's avatar

In some countries, photojournalism can be a perilous profession. Even in parts of the EU, carrying around a backpack worth €8,000 isn't safe - there are people willing to commit extreme acts for that amount. I've designed a special reconnaissance backpack that looks like an ordinary bag to avoid drawing unwanted attention.

My advice: avoid special photo bags and opt for something that looks plain and unassuming.

Also, thanks for the movie recommendations, adding them to a watch list - I just finished watching all three parts of the 'Equalizer' series based on EveOnlineTutorials suggestion, which I thoroughly enjoyed!

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Damn good films, haven't seen the third one yet, need to find somewhere to watch it lol

Alex Sinclair's avatar

I'm glad to hear Monkey Man was a good watch! I've been looking forward to that. I was put off Civil War by a bad review, but you've remotivated me to watch it

Ford James's avatar

It is a little divisive (at least if Letterboxd reviews are anything to go by!) because it deliberately stays completely apolitical. The motives for each side's involvement in the civil war aren't explained, nor is either side portrayed to be on the left or right, but I think that works in its favour because that isn't what the film is about. The war is just the backdrop for the story, which is full of heartfelt, gut-wrenching moments.

Lots of people are of the opinion that not taking a stance is cowardly for the director or says everything by itself, which is valid! But I'm preferring to take the film at face value because it's so damn good.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Ace, well thanks for the recommendation. Lack of partisanship was the main criticism in the review I read, but if it hits home regardless, then I can respect that as a creative choice. I'll check it out!

Horror and Cats's avatar

Definitely want to see Monkey Man. Civil War though… I just can’t lol. I’m already under immense stress about the political climate here, I don’t need movies showing me things which could actually happen next year making it worse.

Thomas's avatar

I saw Civil War today and loved it! I wasn't sure what to expect but I appreciated that it had some level of distance from real events and it was never entirely clear what the war was about, and focused on the coverage of the war. There was definitely some 28 Days Later DNA in there too, I'd forgotten that Alex Garland wrote that film


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