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Film & TV

Film & TV
Horror and Cats's avatar

I don’t think I’ve ever stopped watching a show past the halfway point of a season, but I’ve stopped watching shows between seasons for sure.

I’m not opposed to stopping within the first episode or two though. The Chucky show was super highly rated, but the main character was absolutely insufferable and I knew nothing he would do could fix my perception of him, so I quit it very early.

Sturmer's avatar

I use a pretty similar strategy, except for shows like Chucky - I steer clear of scary stuff, haha!

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

My strategy?

"this is crap, moving on" and never touching it again, for me as a movie you have 15 minutes to grip my attention or I'm done, for Tv shows, you have the first two episodes, if it's still boring me, I move on.

But that's just how I operate :)

Horror and Cats's avatar

It’s VERY rare for me to quit a movie, but that’s because I make lists and so every movie has an opportunity to be a list entry in the future

Makster's avatar

I think my friend has a 10 minute rule - if something isn't engaging in 10 mins then he dips. Sadly I think that is too short and he missed out on some absolute crackers like Squid Game because of it. Personally if I have dropped money on it then it'll have to be really bad for me to leave it unfinished. There have been games where I really disliked the gameplay: Death Stranding, The Last of Us but still pushed on because I wanted to see it to the end

Sturmer's avatar

LOL! i dropped Squid Game exactly at around 10 min, Do you think it is worth it to give an extra mile or two?

mar1gold 's avatar

For films - if i get halfway through I will finish watching.. might aswell and there have been some films i hated for a while and then the last third surprised me!

Tv shows - if 1st two eps aren't enjoyable I just stop watching - I can't bare sinking any more time into it

Sturmer's avatar

some films i hated for a while and then the last third surprised me!

Maybe you have some examples in your mind? )

My latest was the movie Equalizer.

Makster's avatar

If it's free I'll dip at any time.

If I've paid for it then my tolerance to quit it prematurely is a lot higher as I want to get my money's worth. That said, recently I bought the Blu-Ray of the anime The Tatami Galaxy. Tried watching it once but it's so frantic in its dialogue - it is soo difficult to keep up so I stopped watching it. Later I read the novel it was based on and I loved it so I bought the Blu-Ray but again dipped after a couple of episodes. Hopefully when I've set up the entertainment area I'll get back to it but there isn't a hard and fast rule.

That being said - I've never walked out of a cinema for a film I've bought


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