Have you ever been lured into watching a movie or TV show by its high ratings or an engaging trailer, only to discover it wasn't what you expected? This happens to the best of us, leading to a dilemma: should you continue watching or abandon it altogether?
We've all faced the decision of whether to push through hoping it gets better or cut our losses and move on. For instance, imagine you've sat through two episodes already and there are six more to go — but you're just not feeling it. What's your next move? Do you give it another hour, skim through, or maybe look up spoilers to see if it's worth your time?
Share your experiences and strategies on how you handle these all-too-common disappointments. From the shows that tricked you with a promising pilot but failed to deliver, to the hidden gems that only revealed their brilliance later, let's discuss how we decide to stick with or switch off.
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