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Film & TV
FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

I would watch this happily, but then the idea of CGI watching dragons annihilate cities, hell yes, count me in. Plus let's face it, both of those actors are nothing short of amazing, so that would double my interest.

Roo's avatar

Inevitably with the tagline "From the producers of Johnny English Strikes Again"

Horror and Cats's avatar

Oh heck yeah, that would be hilarious. Like RED meets Reign of Fire.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Ha! That's exactly what it would be.

Wadd Enderas's avatar

Absolutely would watch, I think it's high time our Knights-of-the-realm did some dragon slaying. If those two are going to be the leads then I would like a subplot of Maggie Smith popping up in various places just disapproving of everything Ian McKellen is doing!

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Dame Maggie would slay dragons so hard.

Lanah Tyra's avatar

I would happily sit there and watch with popcorn waiting for some other legendary knights to show up. Not that the 2 would need help but.... you know... the company and hilarious banter Patrick Stewart would do with Ian McKellen.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

I forgot about Sir Patrick! This film is getting better by the moment.


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