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Film & TV
Horror and Cats's avatar

Oh learning The Force, no contest. Least chance of death and I get to beat myself up in a cave.

Makster's avatar

But if your friends are in danger, Yoda will scold you for giving up on your training. Also he's got like bugs crawling all over his pad - that stuff probably ends up in his stew

Horror and Cats's avatar

Once I’ve gotten enough force and eaten enough bugs I’ll go help my friends. Just let me enjoy being one of two sentient beings on an entire planet for ONCE. Lol

Makster's avatar

Funny thing with Time Travelling with Doc is that you can only time travel within the location of the Delorean. Why do you think they keep on visiting Hill Valley all the time? So unless you pay for shipping the time machine to Italy, Rome etc. you're probably just gonna be seeing HIgherlander Scots in the past and Roman's invasion of Britain.

Probably the most practical option is to train with Miyagi (RIP). You gain experience in a trade - waxing cars, painting fences, Japanese philosophy, and a car in the end! (I assume that is payment for all the manual labour Miyagi makes you do)

MargotCandy's avatar

Train in Karate. It was my favourite film growing up. I even went to a few classes as a child but when we moved country I stopped. (availability and money issues)

Lanah Tyra's avatar

I'll take the handsome one and go treasure hunting with Indy :D

Sturmer's avatar

Let's evaluate the possibilities...

  • Back to the Future: despite its great potential, the constant timeline paradoxes and butterfly effects are a headache. one wrong sneeze could jeopardize your very existence. No thank you.

  • Batman: fighting crime sounds appealing, but to the law, you're just another vigilante with a questionable moral compass. That's a pass.

  • Karate Kid: achieving greatness through hard work and discipline is safe and useful but hardly qualifies as an adventure. It's the least exciting option.

  • Yoda's Force Training:it's complicated. With great power comes great responsibility. Using force instead of diplomacy and peaceful solutions often contradicts the Jedi Code. However, in terms of adventure and the chance to see the galaxy, it's top-notch.

  • The NeverEnding Story: a tale of overcoming mental struggles? That mirrors my daily life too closely. No thanks.

  • Indiana Jones: endless punches, dusty clothes, and a lot of climbing and jumping. Sounds exhausting.

It looks like Yoda's adventure wins by default, at least it offers the opportunity to explore various planets and encounter different creatures!

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Jedi, period, hands down, I would however then turn to the dark side and use it for evil...

Alex Sinclair's avatar

I'd love to train with Yoda, but Dagobah doesn't particularly take my fancy. Adventures with Batman and the Doc sound too dangerous. I don't have the stamina for Miyagi's training, and the world of Fantasia terrifies me. I'm hanging out with Indy!

Lanah Tyra's avatar

Welcome to the treasure hunter party :D

CelestialFlea's avatar

Well since you didn't let me pick hunt antiquities with Lara instead of Indie (given they killed the Indie franchise for me), it's gotta be time travelling with the Doc. How can anyone ever turn down a flux capacitor?


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