Back by popular demand! This is the second iteration of our design-a-movie poster bounty, but the rules remain largely the same:
There's a good chance that you've seen the memes mocking the similarities between blockbuster movie posters. Whether its Marvel or Star Wars, the formula seems to be an image full of all the characters in red and blue background lighting symbolising the struggle of good versus evil. Well, we're hoping that you can do better.
To take part in this bounty, choose any movie (new, old, or upcoming) and design a new poster for it. You can make your image digitally or by hand, however, we are not accepting AI-images for this bounty. You can choose to show off your design skills by creating something epic and excellent, or you can take a more light-hearted, tongue-in-cheek approach.
already paid
$28 / 32
This reward closed to entries at 11:24am on June 17, 2024 but you can still reply, react, and join the conversation below! If you’d like to enter other rewards which are still open, click here.
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