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Sturmer's avatar

I requested help from two good friends, who are fans of the show, here is what we come up with when blended in World of Warcraft into Game Of Thrones:

House Targaryen

Sylvanas Windrunner totally fits with the Targaryens. She's got that tragic backstory with dramatic flair. Was a high elf, now a Banshee Queen etc. Just like the Targs, she’s got a complex and power-hungry vibe hehe.

House Stark

Anduin Wrynn basically a Stark. He's all about honor, justice and that sort of things. Dude's a natural leader and wants peace, just like the Starks are all about doing the right thing even when it sucks.

House Lannister

Jaina Proudmoore a smart and powerful, kinda like the Lannisters. She's made some tough calls and knows how to play the game.

House Baratheon

Varian Wrynn - is strong and commanding, just like a Baratheon. He's a warrior through and through, and he's led through some seriously rough times. Resilient AF.

House Greyjoy

Garrosh Hellscream is ruthless and loves a good fight, just like the Greyjoys. He’s all about power and domination, which is totally a Greyjoy thing if you know that Imean .

House Tully

Thrall - loyal and duty-bound, definitely a Tully. He’s led his people with honor and always tries to keep the peace. Family and honor are his jam.

House Arryn

Khadgar’s the wise and scholarly type, like House Arryn. He’s all about knowledge and protecting the realm with his smarts.

House Martell

Lor'themar Theron is resilient and strategic, perfect for House Martell. He's good with alliances and navigating tricky politics, just like the Martells.

House Tyrell

Tyrande Whisperwind is graceful and strategic. She’s a strong leader for the night elves and always looks out for her people, with that elegant touch.

Shovel's avatar

So right now I am on my 4th rewatch of the show Superstore which I love!!! I find the show absolutely hilarious and the perfect dinner show haha (if you haven’t watched it, give it a go!)

So Jonah Simms in House Stark makes sense as it’s a noble and idealistic house.

Amy Sosa in house Targaryen as she is ambitious and a strong leader.

Glenn Sturgis in House Arryn. He’s well meaning and also abit naive.

Dina Fox. 10000% in house Greyjoy and she is fierce and independent.

Garrett NcNeil - due to his witty and laid back manner he should be in House Martell.

Cheyenne Thompson would do well in House Tyrell as she has traits of being optimistic and resourceful.

And finally Mateo Liwanang in house Lannister. Ambitious and cunning!

I feel like all these houses align very well with their characters and personalities in Superstore!

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Okay I will give this a go, I was never a huge fan of this show as to be perfectly honest, it shows things I myself went through and I found it hard to watch.

House Stark Are Noble - David Tenant - The man has always portrayed noble roles such as the doctor etc.
House Targaryen - Harrison Ford - He has always played a strong, leadership role.
House Arryn - Natalie Portman - She in Star Wars was very well-meaning, but nieve.
House Greyjoy - Jack Nicholson - A lot of his roles demanded a nitty, gritty type of role and he fits that house perfectly.
House Martell - Robert Downey Jr - Witty, laid back, funny, able to adapt, perfect house
House Tyrell - Nicole Kidman - her roles have often been of the "surviving" nature and this fits perfectly.
House Lannister - Samuel L Jackson - His roles are often the good/bad guy but the leader among many and he would have the right skills for this house.
House Tully - Christian Bale - As the heir he would be perfect for this, strong but calm, smart but able to hide it from his enemies.
House Baratheon - Tom Hardy - Able to be a strong, leadership, know what he wants and to take what he wants if needed, perfection here!

Good cast IMO - Although it would cost the studio a fortune haha

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Thanks EveOnlineTutorials, but we were looking for characters from a specific movie, show, or game rather than a selection of actors, so we weren't able to grant you a prize this time ✌️

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Oh, I read that as from any of them, my bad I suppose :P It's fine :) I had fun doing it.


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