Darth Vadar of House Baratheon? With House of the Dragon putting in a very strong season 2 performance so far, Game of Thrones has dragon-clawed its way back into the pop-cultural zeitgeist. For this bounty, we want you to take the characters from another popular movie, game, or show and tell us which of the Nine Great Houses they'd be in if they were in Westeros.
The nine great houses are the Targaryens, Starks, Lannisters, Baratheons, Greyjoys, Tullys, Arryns, Martells, and Tyrells. There are plenty of guides online that will remind you of the spirit of each of those houses. You don't have to cover every house, though if you're a real GoT fan, you can also choose some of the smaller houses. Whatever you decide, be sure to justify your decisions if you want to win a prize.
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