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Film & TV

Full metal alchemist brotherhood

Sturmer's avatar

C Cowboy Bebob Cowboy Bebop - Wikipedia
S Sonny Boy Sonny Boy (TV series) - Wikipedia

Tag me if you want more, I can x3 each letter and justify each pick ;)

Thomas's avatar

Neon Genesis Evangelion!

Horror and Cats's avatar

Attack on Titan

Tokyo Ghoul

Death Note


V: Violet Evergarden

L: Lucky Star or Log Horizon

R: Re:Creators

0ffworld's avatar

I'm suggesting these from a subs (instead of dubs) point of view. Some of them might not yet be available as dubs or have a different feel to them if you don't watch them in their original language. I'm gonna risk it and suggest them anyway. Good luck / have fun!

G - Girls Band Cry
This anime features 3D animations, which can feel a bit weird at first. But it's the smoothest and most playful 3D animation I've seen out of the 1.400 I've watched, so give it a chance. (If you're not into girl rock bands, try Ghost In The Shell - the original has been remastered fairly recently.)

W - Wangan Midnight
Car/racing anime, basically Initial D but less drifting and instead of mountains you get highways.

R - Redline
A mad mix of sci-fi, racing, and LSD.

P - Psycho Pass
Sci-fi police anime, similar to Minority Report.

TheGreatestBanana12's avatar

I added M & J so 10 more to go!

Vivisector's avatar




Black Lagoon

TheGreatestBanana12's avatar

Sorry B has already been taken I just hadn't had the chance to update

Lanah Tyra's avatar

And I can't believe no one said Inuyasha yet

TheGreatestBanana12's avatar

Anyone want to fill in those last few letters?

TheGreatestBanana12's avatar

Lanah Tyra Sturmer AlexGoesTheWorld Kraken Horror and Cats 0ffworld Vivisector

I will allow suggestions from anyone for the last few letters even if you already done 3 letters.

Horror and Cats's avatar

Honestly I already said the only three I know lol


Ok a bit of an old one, and just because i grew up with it, the orginal Yu-Gi-Oh series

Sturmer's avatar

Uchouten Kazoku or Uchuu Kyoudai, both are fantastic.


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