Expression of self and recognition by others are basic human needs. It’s why Chelsea boots became my default footwear over Timberlands, and they over bin liners duct-taped to my shins. They just didn’t feel like meany more.
This need persists online, and explains why communities are always experimenting with new ways to distil members’ behaviour into some signal which they can show to others. We’d like you to tell us your favourites, and the ones you’d like us to bring to Just About.
Reddit has its karma and - for another few weeks at least - its coins and awards. Twitch has badges and bits. Discord has server boosting and all the cool cosmetic perks it unlocks. Games2Gether has achievement-based titles and avatars.
Who does it best? What do you think about Just About’s reactions, our plans for a badge scheme, and this week's launch of Organic Rewards? What’s your bright idea for a recognition/expression system no one’s thought of? Speak up below!
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