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Sturmer's avatar

zis is not a joke btw!

Horror and Cats's avatar

I’ve made more in a month here than 20 months on YouTube and that’s both galling (aimed at YouTube) and delightful (aimed at Just About).

I’ve already allotted the JA money to cat litter. Made enough to cover my 5 cats’ litter bill for about 90 days lol.

Lanah Tyra's avatar

That's money well spent I would say. Need to take care of the kitties!

Horror and Cats's avatar

Babies need their clean bathroom! Especially the orange one. He gets… pushy.

Rich's avatar

If your cats are anything like mine, that's a lot of litter...


awesome Rupert, great to hear Just About is growing nicely!

Dave's avatar

I bought Nightingale to take part there, used the next payout to buy dragons dogma 2 and take part in there. Now my payment this month has grown again with all the extra bounties I can enter across these two games. I was not far off $200 this month!

Please consider using some of your payout to buy one of these two games and join us in their communities. They will hopefully pay for themselves over time and then some if you make decent bounty entries.

I've bought a decent mic as well now funded by here to continually improve my video content and start expanding into proper content like video reviews maybe and the DD2 nature documentary bounty (which is great fun and a big learning exercise/experience wether I win anything or not).

Dave's avatar

Or Eve, didn't include that as it's been on here a while and it's also very hard to get into/a high barrier to entry to have the knowledge to enter bounties. But go for it if you've got the brain for it.

Lanah Tyra's avatar

I don't have time for Dragons Dogma, but did it with Nightingale, already after a few bounties it paid for itself. And with all the new spaces and bounties there I was just over $200. It really feels good to buy new games from money you make with content.

Dave's avatar

Nice! I don't think I'm going to put quite as much effort in this month, at least not in the text based bounties in the spaces. Want to concentrate on adding some better content onto my youtube channel this month and turning it into something more than raw footage game clips so that people might actually want to subscribe.

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Thank you for the payout this month, got completely screwed by the exchange rate haha xD But this being said, a nice injection of cash for us, going to take my wife out for a meal tonight with it ;)


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