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mar1gold 's avatar

Yes this would be a super cool community! I love books hehehehe

Dave's avatar

It was your post about what games to play that made me think of books. I'm similar with books where although I would like to read more, I don't really know what ones I should invest my time into.

mar1gold 's avatar

with books it can be really hard to know what to read next!

Usually I go by authors I like and then you can also look at books the authors you like like that's fun!

I would recommend reading anything by James Baldwin (Giovanni's room is probably the best starter book for his work) because he is my favourite author mwahhhaahahahhhaa

Horror and Cats's avatar

You know I recently did a video about horror comics and even YouTube doesn’t have a literature/books section. The closest thing I could equate it to was Film and Animation due to my usual content and how I discussed the comics.

Dave's avatar

That's interesting. Does that mean there is no interest on YouTube in books, or there is, and no effort is made to accommodate it?

Horror and Cats's avatar

I think the latter. There are plenty of book clubs and reviews and what not, but I have no idea what they categorize the videos as since there is not even a KIND of adjacent category.

mar1gold 's avatar

yeah recently with the rise of colleen hoover and booktok there's been an influx of tiktok book creators to youtube to start making long-form content - the books they tend to be into aren't really my thing but it's really great that young people are getting into reading so I don't care how bad or good I think the books are hehehe

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Massive reader of sci-fi/fantasy so yes, bring this on!


I had thought about suggesting this but I'm too awkward 😆 Thank you kind person for asking the question!


I created an account here to ask when this was coming. The site is beautiful and I love the concept, but I think this would be a really fantastic addition. 💙

NeoKazuho's avatar

That would be a fantastic addition to JA as we can share and read more on books recommendations. I love reading.

Kane Carnifex's avatar

As far as i know the "Analog" Book Market was dead in 2023. Don´t know how it is with the digital... audiobooks are kind of thingi

girlofgotham's avatar

Would definitely love to see space for chatting regularly about books!!!

Wadd Enderas's avatar

Definitely into this, I read a lot of sci-fi and fantasy but always get stuck when I finish a series and don't know where to go next. Would love a community for Books!


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