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Horror and Cats's avatar

I accidentally collect stray cats lol. Got 5 of those!

I’d say my biggest collection is Nerf guns. I have something like 35 dart blasters of various manufacturers. My favorite is the break-barrel side-by-side shotgun with actual ejecting shells. Anything with ejecting shells is so cool to me haha.

Kings Court's avatar

Hahahaha damn thats a lot of cats !

Dude !! LOOOOVE me some Nerf !! I have the crossbow shooters as well as the Chain gun one, Queen got it for me, its my pride and joy !! hahahah

Makster's avatar

I collect comics too! I think on-going my pull is:

  • X Men '97

  • Power Girl (I just started collecting her series this year)

  • Snot Girl (it's been >1 year since they last released an issue)

But apart from that it's just variant covers that catch my eye and I think look cool

I guess I collect artbooks (though this is taking up a lot of space) and anime figures. I try to keep my anime figure collecting to one character per franchise as to save my wallet but I also like the theming of same character but different style.

Here is my Sakura (Street Fighter) collection

Shovel's avatar

I collect trading cards! Rn it’s Pokemon and One Piece. It’s a pretty expensive hobby so I’ve slowed down a little bit to save that £££ but recently just some gifted and was really happy with the pulls!

Kings Court's avatar

Awesome ! I got in to Yu gi oh back in the day but never really got in to trading cards too much generally. Glad you got some good pulls !

Shovel's avatar

Back in the day I used to collect the Jackie Chan talismans from the magazine - do you remember them?? They were OGs. I feel like magazines back then were soo cool!

Kings Court's avatar

OMG !!! from the Cartoon RIght ?!?!? yeh I remember those !!


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