Welcome to Members’ Corner! Each month, we run a bounty asking our community members to write about the subjects that matter most to them. Already in July, we’ve published Sturmer's piece on discovering the world through an SLR viewfinder and Lanah Tyra's deepdive into Final Fantasy XIV’s defunct yet intriguing tanking system.
This week, Laser-Bicep discusses Judo, and the transferable emotional and physical lessons that come from practising it. Enjoy!

“I began practising Judo later than most, at the age of 33. Since starting, I’ve witnessed so many benefits, not just in myself but also in others I’ve observed.
“Firstly, let’s talk about respect and anger management. There’s no place for anger on the mat. I’ve visited multiple clubs where fighting or randori (free-style sparring practice) takes place, and I’ve never seen it in any of them. Even across the intense competitions that I’ve attended, I’ve only ever seen someone lose their cool once following an injury. As you learn judo, you start to see anger differently - you learn that anger doesn’t help you; keeping a cool head does. Imagine the benefits of instilling that lesson in a child at a young age.
“Speaking of children, judo can be a lifeline for those having troubles at home. Coaches can become parental figures over the years. They help kids develop, understand, and master their emotions.
“This fosters community, not just for the judokas, but for their families. And the benefits of judo go on and on. It keeps you fit, active, and strong, and you get toughened up by taking regular controlled falls. It teaches you self defence; if you ever need it you’ll be able to punch someone with the power of the earth itself. As for me personally, it’s been helpful for combatting less-than-great habits, like drinking beer in the evenings. If I know I’m going to class, things like that are not even on the cards.
“The final piece of praise I’d like to lay on judo is that it’s inclusive. There’s no place for leaving anyone out, and you’re taught to work with all sorts of people with all levels of abilities. So whoever you are, go and give it a go at your local club.”
We’d like to thank Laser-Bicep for sharing their passion, observations, and experience with us. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments. If you’ve already read July’s other Members’ Corner articles, then check out June’s instead: tomahawk throwing, the modern reverberations of Bristol’s historic links to the slave trade, and the warning signs of pancreatic cancer. Alternatively, you could see your passion shared here in August by entering our third Members’ Corner bounty, which at the time of publication is open for submissions.
Some text has been amended for brevity, you can find the original wording at the bounty post. Image credit: Elf-Moondance
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