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mastercesspit's avatar

a discussion tab up with the feed, bounties, curated tab, rather than having to type "justabout/discussions" in the search bar.

Rupert's avatar

Thank you for these suggestions, and we’re certainly open to hearing any others that you all have! Especially as we’re attracting new members at the moment, it’s great to hear your first impressions.

Multi-lingual is tricky for us at the moment but it’s definitely on our mind as we grow.

We do have some improvements to your contribution history/member profiles in the pipeline 🙏🏽

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Multilingual IMO is not needed on JA - it creates division in replies and forces people to use the software in discussions to take part, not to mention google translate sucks.

It also puts extra expense and pressure on JA, which takes focus off important things.

henhid's avatar

I value your opinion. 🙌

I believe that the shift from English to other languages in social media has greatly increased accessibility, allowed for more authentic cultural expression, encouraged global participation, and enhanced marketing efforts. For new communities that emerge with English as a lingua franca, embracing a multilingual approach can be key to inclusive growth and a stronger identity. While managing a multilingual environment comes with its challenges, the benefits of diversity and connection far outweigh these hurdles, making this transition both relevant and advantageous.

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Okay but imagine this

Let's say you are Russian and reply in Russian, I don't speak Russian, so I use Google Translate which is horrible for translating and get it completely wrong what you are saying, and then we have an issue.

That would be my concern and it's often why I do not reply to languages I do not speak.

henhid's avatar

I see what you’re saying, and you’re right—miscommunication can happen when using something like Google Translate, especially for more nuanced stuff. But just because a community allows multiple languages doesn’t mean you’ll automatically get replies in every language. Typically, people end up grouping with others who speak the same language—if you speak Spanish, you’ll likely connect with other Spanish speakers, the same goes for Italian, Russian, etc. So, while translation tools aren’t perfect, the idea is more about creating an inclusive space where people can find their own language groups, and the benefits of that inclusivity still outweigh the occasional translation hiccup.

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Which would lead to segregation within the community. Which is exactly what JA is not about, because when that happens, it is not a community, it is groups of people using the same platform.

henhid's avatar

Thank you for sharing your perspective. Upon reviewing Just About’s mission and guidelines, I can confirm that the platform emphasizes fostering inclusive communities where members can connect, create, and share content based on their passions. However, there is no explicit mention that multilingual support would inherently lead to segregation or undermine the community spirit. In fact, the platform encourages shaping its future based on user input and focuses on inclusivity by rewarding fans and creators across various interests.

Your concern about language barriers causing fragmentation is understandable, but I believe that with thoughtful implementation, multilingual features could enhance accessibility rather than divide the community. Users would naturally gravitate toward others who share their language, but this doesn’t have to mean isolation—it can expand community interactions by allowing a broader range of voices to participate.

Just About is still evolving, and there’s room for growth in ensuring that diverse language speakers can fully engage without disrupting the core essence of community building. Multilingual support could very well strengthen these connections, rather than diminish them.

mastercesspit's avatar

was just thinking that, separation, secularism, all under the one banner.

henhid's avatar

I think that limiting Just About to English-only could actually create a form of separation by excluding those who aren’t fluent in English. This approach could reduce both diversity and accessibility, creating a barrier that prevents many users from fully participating and sharing their unique perspectives.

On the flip side, implementing multilingual support could foster a more inclusive environment, allowing people from diverse linguistic backgrounds to join in authentically. Without this feature, interactions may stay confined to those who are comfortable in English, which could lead to a community that’s not as globally connected. So, ironically, an English-only approach could also lead to a subtle form of division, even if less obvious.

In the end, multilingual support might actually enrich and unify the community rather than divide it.

yan57436's avatar

I really need a mobile app and a multilingual system, like the one we see on fiverr (a service provider site) where I'm often chatting with a German speaker and I speak English and both can communicate.

henhid's avatar

That’s a great point! Having a system like the one on Fiverr, where multilingual communication happens seamlessly, would be ideal. It allows people to stick to their native language while still understanding each other, which really helps bridge the gap without relying on imperfect tools like Google Translate. A mobile app with a built-in multilingual system could definitely make this even smoother, making communication between different language speakers much easier and more natural.


I'm more concerned about what level of pressure the higher ups of JA are under in order to prove that the website and idea is a financially viable concept.

Venture capitalists and investors don't care about the quality of a site or its supposed ethics. They care about ROI.

Makster's avatar

How do you know what VCs care about? Are you a VC?


Do you have any idea of the financials of the site?

See... That's the problem with the Twitter crowd. They expect a service, but don't realize that it costs money. And yet they're also not prepared to pay for that service. And that is why Twitter was never profitable before Elon Musk came on board.

I see that people are using this website... But who's going to be paying for the new features? Who is going to be paying for the updates? Who is going to be paying for the maintenance?

Not the users...

I haven't paid a single penny towards this place.

How much do you think this website (in its current state) cost to build - bearing in mind that it's custom coded?

You think VCs don't care about how their money is spent, and that they're charities? If so... That's amazing... We need a few more brain dead VCs like them.

Makster's avatar

What has this got to do with twitter? This is Just About


It's the same mentality of the users though, isn't it?

Boomer's avatar

I can say with confidence that user behaviour on Twitter is vastly different to that of the members on Just About.

Source: I'm the community manager at Just About and a PhD researcher studying user behaviour on Reddit, Twitter, and YouTube.

If it's an area you're interested in then I'd be happy to direct you to peer-reviewed research exploring behaviour on those platforms. Just let me know your specific areas of interest.


I can say with confidence that user behaviour on Twitter is vastly different to that of the members on Just About.

I referred to "mentality"... Not "behaviour"...

It's the same freeloading mentality that plagued Twitter... Which is now on JA.

Makster's avatar

What is the difference between "mentality" and "behaviour"?

Boomer's avatar

Prankster101 I can say with full confidence that no, Makster doesn't have insight into the financials of the JA platform. Except for the owners of a private limited company, only those responsible for the financial and legal reporting and compliance (accountants, insurance providers, HMRC etc.) are privy to the financials.

Let me share with you the benefit of my experience.

It's essential for all businesses to prove their financial viability.

I'm employed by Just About and I've never experienced this pressure you're referring to. I've also been a business owner (unrelated to JA) for more than a decade. As the owner of my business I'm acutely aware of the need to remain profitable, but it's bad business to make that a problem for your team.

I'd be interested to know if you've ever run a registered business. I'm also curious what we've done, specifically, that leads you to be concerned about pressure from above?

Hopefully this puts your mind at ease so we can get back to the discussion about how we can enhance the platform.

henhid's avatar

Thanks for the detailed responses, Boomer, and for bringing your expertise into the conversation. Your insights as both a researcher and a community manager give a real depth to the discussion, and it’s clear the team here at Just About is committed to creating something unique. I especially value your perspective on how the team balances the practical needs of running a platform without putting unnecessary pressure on the community or the team itself. I appreciate the openness—it really helps put things into context. Thanks again!


I’d love to the everyone’s profile page be given an update to allow links to our pages we create content on like YouTube etc or their gaming platform profiles like Xbox gamer tag and also include space for us to write a bio about ourselves as regularly a JA member has been talking about content they make then I wish to go and see if so I click other profile to get a link to there pages but there is really nothing there. I get this may take users off platform but it would be a welcome update for many I feel.

Makster's avatar

I'd love a more personalised profile page yeah

TheGreatestBanana12's avatar

Agreed in it's current state there's not much point to going to anyone's profile.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

TheGreatestBanana12 Makster MURRRAAAAY I can't reveal the details just yet, but I confirm we have some exciting changes to profiles in the pipeline that I think you'll be happy with 😊

henhid's avatar

Thanks, Alex!

It’s exciting to hear that profile updates are on the horizon—definitely adds a bit of anticipation! Knowing that the team is working on new features that align with what the community has been suggesting really speaks to the collaborative spirit here. Looking forward to seeing the changes roll out. 👏

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Love that, thanks henhid! I'm looking forward to the day (hopefully not too long now) that we can reveal what we've been working on.

Braulio M Lara 🔹's avatar

🔴 WELL WELL WELL WHAT IS HAPPENING HERE..? 😏 🔴 Ah new ideas Interesant

So the idea proposed by henhid of a Just About in Spanish version sounds very interesting and l’m agree (My Mother Language is Spanish) but l think that

Just About is relative new and is growing, getting bigger and better and is matter of time that by gravity a Spanish versión could be a reality because SPANISH is Strong in USA 🇺🇸 is the second language behind the English and maybe a French versión (Canadian) or maybe German ..?

We are getting too high in our projections and for the moment l find JUST ABOUT ok in the way that is now

That in the future this wonderful site make a Spanish, French , German , Chinese or Cherokee versión only the destiny know

But again nice theme and WOW that make a waterfall of answers 😊👍

Let’s participate it 💪🏼

henhid's avatar

Thanks for your thoughts, Braulio M Lara 🔹!

It’s exciting to consider the new functionalities we might see in the future.

Let’s keep this conversation going! 😊

Braulio M Lara 🔹's avatar

🔴 A POOL of money winner or bigger account of the month sounds interesting too 🔴

henhid's avatar

Great idea! This will definitely keep us engaged and highlight awesome contributions. Can’t wait to see how this develops! 🔥

Hunter's avatar

I suggest we have menu or sub menu to our bounties that we have already submitted .

henhid's avatar

Great idea, Hunter!

Having that kind of organization would be a fantastic. Hope this gets some attention.

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