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Lanah Tyra's avatar

Even though I don't like to be outside in rain I do like to listen to the sound of rain.

But also kittens purring. Best sound ever.

Horror and Cats's avatar

My big Mainecoon senior kitty from back in the day weighed like 20 lbs and sat on my chest purring. Weighted blanket and sound machine all in one

Braulio M Lara 🔹's avatar

So many time l’m sleep hearing rain Forrest sounds without end

or the álbum God bless from Tiny Tin or any álbum from the best music group (for me ) Broadcast 🤭

Horror and Cats's avatar

You know I ALMOST put forest sounds as an option, but I wasn’t sure how well it would mesh with what I was reading. Although, there are a couple entries in the series where Forest or ocean would be great choices

JHenckes's avatar

Certainly, putting all these sounds together gives you an inexplicable peace of mind

Horror and Cats's avatar

My personal favorite as well when I need white noise for sleeping haha

SIRCAM's avatar

Rain somehow gives me a feeling of protection and calm my senses since i was a kid.

Horror and Cats's avatar

Same here, that’s why I moved to Oregon so I could get more of it lol

Sturmer's avatar

Silence. Complete and absolute

CelestialFlea's avatar

Honestly it's a bit of a mix of all the above, but thunder and rain just takes the edge followed by a log fire but preferably combined.

Horror and Cats's avatar

Yeah same. I love a fire on a stormy night that’s my happiest happy place

Paul's avatar

To me, waves and running rivers are what I would go to for relaxing sounds but my cat purring can also make me feel really sleepy. Its because of that I dont let her sit on my lap during the working day lol.

Horror and Cats's avatar

Lol my cats are super intrusive cuddlers so when they sit on my lap during work they do jerk things like reach out a single paw to hit keyboard buttons.

I didn’t put waves or forest sounds because I thought thematically they would be incongruous with the games, but actually waves would work really well for Code Veronica since it’s an arctic island

mastercesspit's avatar

the sound of water in creek flowing over rapids or a waterfall, or the surf at the beach on a summers night

Horror and Cats's avatar

I really like the beach sounds and running water sounds as well. When I do documents for Code Veronica I think waves would work because it takes place on an island


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