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ENDERS's avatar

I'm diging the changes. The new landing page / index looks great and has curb appeal. The page works well and looks really cool now on mobile as well. Its clear that the more legacy style stuff is still within the Feed area and I am curious as to if there will be changes to it. The reason I ask is that it is a very robust and unique system and I really like it.
When returning to the site multiple times a day (Chrome-Desktop) I am still getting the "Get started" purple tutorial style pop up on the bottom left even after completing the things on the list. However that is a very minor bother.
I've used a lot of sites with a similar model and soical features like this but this one already stands out to me among the few. I've seen comments about why there is no Discord for and I do very much respect and understand the reasoning.
I see talks of a roadmap and have seen some of what is on it and I am eager to see where that road is going from here. Thanks to everyone involed in making Just happen.

Dave's avatar

looks like the first public stages of a significant strategy change and rethinking of what the actual product is to end consumers. It's very telling that there is no mention of communities or discussion etc in any of the pages when you subscribe to a community, it now says "you're now watching Music rewards" for example, rather than that you subscribed to a community. The dropping of organic rewards & the branding/name change further reinforces that it's a place for content creators to sign up to a marketing campaign in effect rather than to take part in a shared community about something.

Looks like it's going to become a portal for content creators to sign up to for some money making rewards around specific themes rather than also a site that consumers of content visit and Join in discussions. You wouldn't know that even existed now on the sales pitch when you visit as a new user.

It's the commercial reality after a few years I guess and a pivot away from being rewards for creators, a curated publishing arm & a community site all in one to just being the rewards & probably showcasing the best entries with a link off to them.

Anyway it had a good run and try at it & I enjoyed my time here when it was busier on the non rewards side.


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