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Shovel's avatar

Mine is called Miners Dream.

In a land of blocks and endless skies, where creepers lurk with green surprise

A miners quest, both brave and bold. In search of diamonds, emeralds and gold

with a pickaxe swung and torches bright, through caves and dungeons in the darkest of nights

We built our dreams, a block at a time, in pixelated realms. Oh so sublime.

The Ender dragon, its fierce and grand, defeated by a hero’s hand.

with redstone circuits, and farms that yield, our Minecraft world is forever sealed.

Lava flows and waterfalls too. Lapis Lazulli in enchanting blue.

From village huts to castles so tall. We craft. We build, we conquer all.

So here’s a toast 🥂 to Minecraft days, of building, crafting and endless plays.

In this world of blocks we reign supreme, living the ultimate miners dream!

Foolish_Imp's avatar

A day's mining

Whispers call from deep shadows,

Pickaxe mines deep,

Bones rattle from the hollows,

Pickaxe mines deep,

Groans and hisses sound above from where they wallow,

Pickaxe mines deep,

Walls crumple and out lava tumbles,

Without stop or stumble,

Pickaxe mines deep,

Glittering tauntingly from across the molten,

A prize the pickaxe seeks,

The gem promises to reach the Ender,

At the risk of becoming cinder,

Pickaxe mines deep,

A bridge the pickaxe needs,

As said, it mines deep,

With one more block,

Pickaxe pops,

An end to a day's mining.

Foolish_Imp's avatar

I originally had this separated into three stanzas; anyone know how to do that on Just About?

Nine's avatar

Im now expert making Poem, but im trying to make it,
if my poem is really bad im sorry.

or maybe you can give me some advice.


Ooh Wandering trader,

You always come when you're not needed.

destroying my plantation by stepping on it.

with your two very sensitive llamas.

Ooh Wandering trader,

sometimes you are very useful

Sometimes not, with your weird stuff.

at a high price.

and also your Llama,

which often gets in the way,

which is often very noisy

and finally they were hit by me, and they spat at me.

and I died silly because of them :)

mar1gold 's avatar

The first night: A Haiku

Sun setting, days end.

In my dirt mound, I wait.

The undead bellow.

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

The Mineshaft...

Oh, we enter the mines,
Yet we build our own lines,

We come across the copper,
The Creepers run us a cropper,

As we mine the Iron,
Our armour makes us feel like a lion,

Behind us, we hear a hiss,
Turning quickly, comes the Creepers Kiss,

The World explodes around us,
Our vision clouds in dust,

Quickly eating our meat,
We turn and take a seat,

The mines are our bread and butter,
But being down here, I am clearly a nutter!

Keeping myself going,
I mine deeper, my inventory growing,

There they are, the diamonds,
This call for wine and Almonds!

Sturmer's avatar

Here is my attempt at a 5-7-5 syllable haiku, often known as kigo.

Deep beneath the rock,
Gleaming treasures wait for me -
Diamond's light calls forth.


In the blocky land,
Creepers loom, I take a stand,
Mining rocks not so bland.
Diamond in the stone,
Pickaxe swings, I'm in the zone,
On my PC, not my phone
Crafting dreams all alone.
Or with you! Just pick up the phone


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