Redstone is one of the most complicated but potentially rewarding aspects of Minecraft. It has almost infinite potential - players have even used it to create entire working computers within the game - but for the average player, it can be tricky to understand. So we want you to use redstone to automate something in Minecraft and explain what it is and how it works!
This could be anything from a mob or crop farm to a secret doorway, minecart track, elevator, or something more complicated. You must explain how it works though, so we'll accept either multi-image submissions to annotate your explanation, or video submissions walking us through.
We ran this reward earlier this year and received five excellent submissions, so if you're one of those previous winners, you're welcome to enter again, but make sure you create a new redstone contraption! The most impressive redstone creation will win $15, with $10 going to second place, $5 to third, and $3 to seven runners up.
already paid
$36 / 51
This reward closed to entries at 4:56pm on February 6, 2025 but you can still reply, react, and join the conversation below! If you’d like to enter other rewards which are still open, click here.
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