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Dave's avatar

Nice, I think these first play videos are going to be quite helpful for people just picking it up. I had to do quite a bit of googling to figure out some stuff in the first few hours.

I also died multiple times on that swamp tutorial level, took me a few deaths to realise walking through water caused you to be diseased within seconds on that realm. Then all my stuff was stuck in the middle of the water and needed collecting by walking through it again and trying to quickly get back out...

Wadd Enderas's avatar

Haha, I'm glad it's not just me! I jumped of a ledge last night and broke my leg and then was just stuck at the bottom for the time it took for my leg to heal, I think there is going to be a lot of learning early on!

I also haven't worked out how or if you can dismantle anything yet, so my screenshot of myfirst base isn't going to be particularly impressive :D

Dave's avatar

Yeah I put a storage basket under a wooden tent, then after I bult my actual basic first base it was stuck out there and there's no move or dismantle (or so i thought). I did figure it out, you press X to go into building mode then in there, for move it's hold R and for dismantle (it gives you your mats back) it's hold V.

Wadd Enderas's avatar

Aaah awesome! Thanks!

I can already see that this community is going to be a great source of information and collaboration, we'll struggle through together :D

Lanah Tyra's avatar

I'll watch it after Saturday, will be playing first time on Stream so want that first experience and then check yours what I messed up or missed :D

Wadd Enderas's avatar

I'll try and tune in for your stream! That first experience is great so definitely don't spoil it with my video :D I think you're very unlikely to find anything you miss in my content though :P

Dave's avatar

Will try and watch yours also, its interesting watching people go through the same early experience on it.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

I didn't find time to play last night, so this was the first proper look at the character creator that I've seen so far, and I am now officially hyped to spend several hours designing my character and lineage. Those were some top-notch moustaches.

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