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Rebel's avatar

Weapon Efficiency

Description / Bounty Challenge:

As there are many different types of weapons and tools in Nightingale, demonstrate the best combination of tools/weapons to use in your journeys across the realms.

Submissions can be either a picture of your loadout and the gear level and or a video showing off the efficiency of the build. You are also required to explain why this build works and why it is the best in your opinion.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Nice idea. I've for example found that the slingbow is hyper-effective against the giant locusts in the desert realms.

Lanah Tyra's avatar

Fairly early into the game but I'm sure this could be a very good early game advise guide as well.

How to use your companions?

Create a written or video guide for best utilizing your companions. Do you set them on a separate task or do you keep them accompany you on a certain gathering mission to get the most amount from one material? Which tools are the best for them in which starting biome?

Dave's avatar

As this is early access I'm sure we are all finding issues we have with the game as we progress through. I don't mean bugs I mean the onboarding, pacing, combat, other gameplay or design decisions. Early access is an opportunity to provide feedback before the full release in the future.

So my bounty suggestion would be either one overall topic or multiple bounties over time of:

What aspects of the Nightingale would you like to be improved? What issue do you have with it now and with and what would you do to make it better?

For multiple bounties over weeks, they could focus on specific components of the game, eg one for combat, UI, structure/onboarding/pacing, story/lore, crafting, art/style/assets and so on to take feedback on, suggest changes and improvements.

What biome cards would you like to see added?

Invent a new minor card? What would it be called and what effects would it cause?

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Very nice. We already have the 'which Biome Card would you like to see added?' bounty scheduled. I like the 'design your own Minor Card' idea a lot too!

TheGrapeOfSpades's avatar

Make The best rendition you can of a Real life Building, Post a screenshot of both the Nightingale Building and the real-life building to show how accurate you've been. They could be judged by the most accurate and most creative choice of IRL Building.

Paul's avatar

OK, I know im new to the game but I had an idea

A example of the dumbest or most infuriating thing your companion has done/ does. Obviously a video or screenshot along with an explanation would be perfect but you could also give it as a write up of [insert reasonable number here] words.

There is obviously the generall early access issues so would say to stay away from acctual bugs (unless its REALLY funny).

Having see Platform32 Streams I can imagine Ian would have a nice example of inappropriate tree cutting!

Alex Sinclair's avatar

That's very fun. Tree-felling companions is a constant source of danger

Kings Court's avatar

Best Trick shot !

Description, send in a video of you pulling of a trick shot with any ranged weapon, it will be judged on precision, style and difficulty !

legs0fmetal's avatar

Create a base inspired by one of your favorite video games or movies of all time. Using any resources at your disposal.


·Screenshot / take a picture of your base

· picture of where you took your inspiration from whether that be game or movie

· write a short insert/ comment about your inspiration

Example- I would build a base inspired by one of my favorite games: Zelda breath of the Wild. I would be trying to recreate Hyrule Castle as my base. Or at the very least heavily inspired by Hyrule Castle.

Note: exact replication of a location from video game or movie not necessary. Just inspired/influenced would be the requirement.

GameofBeardz's avatar

Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them!


The World of Nightingale is full of creatures, wild, wacky and wonderful. Some are harmless creatures, wandering the realms, some are not so harmless and would love nothing more to end your Realmdiving Career. No matter which it is, nobody can disagree that the creatures found across the realms are a joy to discover.

Bounty Challenge

What has been your favorite creature that you've come across when journeying across the realms? Submit a screenshot of your favorite creature along with a written description of why it is your favourite. Was it the way you discovered it? Is it the coloration? Is it the fact that it was the first creature to cause a respawn?


  1. Photo submitted of your favorite creature

  2. Written submission which covers why the creature is your favorite creature

Reason for Bounty:

Nightingale is a beautiful game that captures people's interest through the gorgeous landscapes and creatures, right from the very word go in the Tutorial realms. This is a great opportunity to peak interest in Community members who might be wondering if the game is for them, or to just share with fellow Nightingale players, the wonderful creatures they have come across.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

The people have spoken! One fantastic beasts bounty coming right up!

Sturmer's avatar

Workshop Showoff


In Nightingale, the efficiency of your workshop is crucial. It's not just about crafting; it's about smartly managing your space. From ensuring proper roofing and lighting to maintaining warmth and strategically placing augmentations and storage, every detail counts. This is where your creativity and optimization shine.

Bounty Challenge

We invite you to showcase your workshop's layout and design. Submit a screenshot or a video tour of your workspace, and explain the rationale behind your setup. Why did you place items in a certain way? How does your layout optimize your crafting efficiency?


To participate, your workshop should at least have Refined grade tools, as this is the point where crafting complexity escalates. You also need to explain your design decisions.

Why This Bounty?

This challenge not only celebrates creativity but also serves as a valuable resource for fellow players. By sharing your workshop designs, you're providing insights and inspiration on how to construct an effective crafting area. It's a chance to show off your strategic planning skills and help others improve their gameplay.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Great idea! We'll be sure to get this in the calendar!

Paul's avatar

Im still very new to the game but look forward to seeing what bountys come next!

Dave's avatar

Put a couple of evenings in and you will probably be caught up. We mostly spent the first couple of weeks building towers.


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