Here's mine. It's still rather humble, I'm planning to rebuild in a new spot soon.
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Here's mine. It's still rather humble, I'm planning to rebuild in a new spot soon.
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Currently, i'm on quests, willing to progress and get new toys for the construction
No change since the tower stuff other than this really well organised storage corner...
That storage corner would drive me crazy :D I constructed my first personal portal last night. I've built it on the floating platform at the top of my base. I'm now having second thoughts about relocating, and I think I'll extend the floating platform with more stone platforms and construct a different portal on each of them.
I don't know if it's bugged, but it seems to only show you the cards in play on the most recent one you put cards into.
Easy enough to remember what's what if you aren't resetting them for a long time, but one tip, if you hold down E on them you can rename them, then call them what cards you have in play.
That tip has come at a great time. Thanks Dave!
I will have to post a picture later but mine is still just a ground floor box 😅.
I too am on a ground floor box :D Although I did add a second room and ugrade to a gabled roof over the weekend!
I struggled a bit too much with leaving the first exploration realm before clearing everything, so have only just returned to my base for the first time.
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