Now that you've had a while to get the hang of Nightingale's building tools, we imagine that some of you have already started construction on some more impressive bases. Now's your chance to show them off to the world! Or at least, to our lovely community.
Feel free to style out your video tour however you'd like. You can approach it from a straight-forward approach or go for something more 'out there' like roleplaying a realtor. As well as the quality of your video and base, creativity will definitely snag you some bonus points for this bounty.
We're looking for at least two minutes of video, but feel free to make it longer.
You're more than welcome to share bases that you've created with other players.
Remember to verify your video using the instructions below!
already paid
$36 / 60
This reward closed to entries at 10:10am on March 15, 2024 but you can still reply, react, and join the conversation below! If you’d like to enter other rewards which are still open, click here.
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