Hi Alex, I have a question related to your comment here:
While I completely get that part of having this social media outlet is to get the word out about it and grow it (and I am very happy to see it growing!!), I have to admit that I'm a little disappointed that nearly all the bounties now are "post on instagram, X/Twitter, or (insert other social media here) to be eligible to win" bounties.
As someone who very, very selectively engages with social media platforms, it's become quite hard for me and I'd imagine other people like me to continue being active in the community here. It's such a wonderful community, and I really enjoy participating in the text-based bounties you post for Nightingale, but I don't even have accounts with Instagram, X/Twitter, SnapChat, Facebook, or basically any of the large (and often pretty toxic) social media platforms.
It's a personal choice, and definitely to each their own! I'm not being judgy at all! But I would love to be able to participate here more often, and am finding it hard to do that. Perhaps I'm an anomaly on this, but I feel like I can't be the only one who chooses to only engage with social media intentionally, selectively, and in moderation to try and keep a good and healthy balance with it.
Would it be possible to have other routes of sharing things here, rather than requiring people to upload things to accounts? I would love to share info about and with Just About more often (and I do, especially on Reddit, basically the only social media I use lol). Just as a suggestion - what if posters gave YOU permission to share their submissions, instead of having it be required that we do in order to be eligible?
Truth be told, I do like that this platform rewards people for engaging with it in intelligent and creative ways! But the biggest reason I submit here isn't to make money from submissions - in the same vein as wanting to only engage with intention with other platforms, I engage here because you guys have a very interesting and unique platform here! I truly love the community-based, positive, and friendly environment here, it makes this community one of the ones I try to visit frequently! I think you guys are on to something great here - but I just think it might be a bit limiting even to yourselves to require memberships with other platforms to be here - you aren't trying to grow their member bases, right? ;)
Much love <3