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Alex Sinclair's avatar

Many thanks to legs0fmetal for this superb bounty idea. I'm very much looking forward to seeing what you come up with!

Boomer's avatar

I feel like you're 80% of the way to Dune with the bounty image! 😄

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Is the other 20% a sandworm? That'd be one heck of a crossover!

Boomer's avatar

What do you mean? Nightingale has always had sandworms! 😆

Alex Sinclair's avatar

My base is definitely not sandworm-proof

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Sauce_ first things first, this is amazing. Fantastic work!

Secondly, can I point you back towards the 'How to submit an image' instructions? To ensure that your bounty submission is awardable, we'll need you to connect your instagram account and then ideally expand the post so that we can view it on Just About. If you run into any problems, let me know. Thank you! 🙏


Thank you! I tried really hard to get it exact with the tilesets. I had to add an extra floor to add the balcony out back but I'm happy with it! I have expanded and my instagram account has been linked.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

That's perfect! Thank you very much!


Hi Alex, I have a question related to your comment here:

While I completely get that part of having this social media outlet is to get the word out about it and grow it (and I am very happy to see it growing!!), I have to admit that I'm a little disappointed that nearly all the bounties now are "post on instagram, X/Twitter, or (insert other social media here) to be eligible to win" bounties.

As someone who very, very selectively engages with social media platforms, it's become quite hard for me and I'd imagine other people like me to continue being active in the community here. It's such a wonderful community, and I really enjoy participating in the text-based bounties you post for Nightingale, but I don't even have accounts with Instagram, X/Twitter, SnapChat, Facebook, or basically any of the large (and often pretty toxic) social media platforms.

It's a personal choice, and definitely to each their own! I'm not being judgy at all! But I would love to be able to participate here more often, and am finding it hard to do that. Perhaps I'm an anomaly on this, but I feel like I can't be the only one who chooses to only engage with social media intentionally, selectively, and in moderation to try and keep a good and healthy balance with it.

Would it be possible to have other routes of sharing things here, rather than requiring people to upload things to accounts? I would love to share info about and with Just About more often (and I do, especially on Reddit, basically the only social media I use lol). Just as a suggestion - what if posters gave YOU permission to share their submissions, instead of having it be required that we do in order to be eligible?

Truth be told, I do like that this platform rewards people for engaging with it in intelligent and creative ways! But the biggest reason I submit here isn't to make money from submissions - in the same vein as wanting to only engage with intention with other platforms, I engage here because you guys have a very interesting and unique platform here! I truly love the community-based, positive, and friendly environment here, it makes this community one of the ones I try to visit frequently! I think you guys are on to something great here - but I just think it might be a bit limiting even to yourselves to require memberships with other platforms to be here - you aren't trying to grow their member bases, right? ;)

Much love <3


Alex Sinclair's avatar

Hey LittleMetalPixie,

So sorry, but I've only just seen this lovely, thoughtful comment. I think I must have been away on leave when you sent it. We totally understand your frustration with the social media requirements, and we're actively looking for solutions that maximise the number of people who are able to enter our bounties.

You're right, having people share their bounty entries on social media does help us get the JA word out - something that's important for us at this early stage. But that's not the only reason that we require it. It's a way for us to validate authenticity of original media entries. That is to say, we only ask for people to share on social media first if it's an original image or video bounty, any others you can enter directly. Still, we know that's not ideal for a lot of people, and as I say we're exploring other solutions too that I hope we'll be able to deliver soon.

I would say that if you're not primarily focused on the prizes, then do please feel free to share your entries as replies instead, and just tag it with something like 'not a bounty submission, just sharing'.

Thank you very much for the kind words about Just About, and we're very glad you're here! Hopefully we'll be able to find a better solution for you soon.

Best wishes,


Konquest's avatar

It's a long one :P Skip to 18:46 for the Final Product.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Great choice  ✅

Great video  ✅

Great build  ✅

Wadd Enderas's avatar

Well, first 2 submissions are in and I have no idea how the JA team are going to choose a winner...

Sturmer's avatar

I love these challenges because they push both me and the game beyond our limits. This project was particularly challenging! Firstly, the building blocks are large and limited in type and style, which required careful selection of references. The most time-consuming aspect wasn’t gathering materials or constructing, but rather designing within a 300-block limit per structure.

The primary references for this project were the temples from the movie Apocalypto (2006), which in turn are inspired by Teotihuacan, an ancient Mesoamerican city.

I began by questioning the largest structure possible within the block limit. After coding an optimization script, I discovered that the maximum size achievable was a building with five floors and a 9x9 footprint. Through several experiments and calculations, I realized that by employing an overhang technique and constructing it hollow, I could expand this to six floors and an 11x11 footprint using 297 of the 300 blocks allowed.

During construction, several notable incidents added a bit of drama to the process. For instance, Carmut stopped by to see what I was up to. Additionally, due to the extreme overhang, parts of the building collapsed several times, which resulted in a few broken legs!

The pyramid isn’t just a simple structure; it houses a hidden temple room at the top and a miniature world inside featuring a house and a seaside shore. Unfortunately, due to a game bug, the construction is temporarily inaccessible, preventing me from completing the decoration and lighting phases. However, there's a work-in-progress (WIP) video available where you can see all the main components.

Here is my video tour:

P.S.: The door in the wall is a temporary feature while construction is ongoing. Later, it will be sealed, and the pyramid's inner sections will only be accessible through a secret entrance.

Wings's avatar

Woah! This looks amazing!

Limal's avatar

The inner structure not counting towards the limit? This is genius! bravo

Konquest's avatar

Awesome job! Initially I wanted to construct mecha-godzilla :P the insides is fully furnished and you enter via the "tail". I did the bottom half and ran into some limitations with the upperbody, then I was about to build a similar structure but more towards the pyramids in the desert also 11x11. Lastly I went with beecher's hope from RDR :D

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