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Limal's avatar

I think we need more fashion bounties! Didnyou know, when youncraft any armor in nightingale it will change colors depending on which leather and metals were used. There are more than 30 variations, for bounty you need to craft one, and explain why u used certain materials and which effects they provide.

okayameji's avatar

hello Alex👋

I often see your bounty about nightingale, because I also enter the nightingale community and also join their creator program. in my opinion, most CC from nightingale create multiplayer / play with friends themed content. And I think the bounty from JA just lacks socialization, because I in the official Nightingale community rarely see JA event notifications about nightingale shared there.

recommended content for multiplayer: Tips and Trick Gameplay " Funny Moment / Exe, Montage Moment " Building Content

Alex Sinclair's avatar

I think that's a good suggestion. We tried some of the multiplayer content focused bounties early and didn't get much uptake, but you're right: we should and will run more now. Thank you!

okayameji's avatar

By the way, maybe you should try sharing this bounty to the nightingale discord community. You can ask Scrabs for help since he is the Community Manager there. Besides, he's a lot of fun to talk to

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Very kind of you to suggest :) We've actually got our own bounties channel in the Nightingale Discord server, have you seen it?

okayameji's avatar

i'm sorry, i'm not see on discord nightingale creators. I think we're on different discords😭

Alex Sinclair's avatar

In that case, thank you very much for bringing this to our attention! I'm going to talk to the team, and maybe we can approach the other Discord too.

okayameji's avatar

I was previously directed to the nightingale creator discord since February, so I'm not actively checking the official nightingale discord.

Fras_Shoyo's avatar

I want to make a bounty about telling an experience from Nightingale such as a funny moment playing Nightingale or tips and tricks playing Nightingale for beginners and sharing information about the latest or hard-to-get items in Nightingale. that's probably my idea about bounty suggestions in Nightingale.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Thanks Fras Shoyo! Could you maybe choose one of those ideas and go into a little more detail about it? For example, which hard-to-acquire item you'd like a guide for. Thank you!

Fras_Shoyo's avatar

Ok thanks alex, what I chose was the hard-to-get items and for the items I wanted such as abalonite, which can be found in swamp biomes with low realm scores, I got the information from the Nightingale community which is Utilizing the portal burner for realm reset to gather more abalonite efficiently. because abalonite is used to make powerful health potions by combining abalonite with bone and obsidian glass will produce potent health potions.

Sturmer's avatar

I think my bounty is quite straightforward.

We made a guide on how to find Elder Eoten, and now it's time to slay it. So the task is simply to go and chop it down, and yes, it should be the wild version, not the one from the vault. So grab your Spyglass and happy hunting!

Alex Sinclair's avatar

You'll be pleased to hear that we have this one in our calendar already - the final 'apex predator hunt' bounty (until Inflexion introduces more at least).

Sturmer's avatar

Does that mean my submission needs to be changed to something else? =)

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Had I seen this in time, I would have said 'yes please'. But I didn't, so you're getting a prize! That said, if you have any more bounty ideas, we're always keen to hear them.

Sturmer's avatar

Hehe Thanks, here is a freebie for you!

Create a guide on the fastest way to get materials! Locations, techniques, companions, logistics - there are many ways to do this, and I think that might be handy for some of our 'construction' bounties.

Lanah Tyra's avatar

Make a guide for a boss encounter

Probably it's not just me who didn't realise that certain bosses were resistant to certain weapon /attack types. Would be nice to have a collection of guides here either in video or written format. So pick your favourite boss (or the one you struggled with the most) and share your advise with fellow realmwalkers how to defeat that boss.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Thanks Lanah! Are these specifically for the apex creatures or did you have other bosses in mind? We've run the first of those for the Humbaba already, and we've got a couple more scheduled for the Sun Giant and Elder Eoten.

Lanah Tyra's avatar

I think it would be great for the general bosses as well which you have to defeat to unlock the realm cards. They might seem simple for experienced players but as I complete newbie to survival games the first boss encounter was quite a struggle for me and I might not be alone with this.

Foolish_Imp's avatar

I think a fun bounty to run would be to have players create the most dramatic/intense or insane/extreme 10 to 15 video in game. For example, fighting a group of fiends and watching something crazy happen to a friend or getting unexpectedly yeeted off a cliff by the hippopotamus creatures.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Hello! This is interesting, but I'm not 100% sure what you mean by the '10-15 video' part - do you mean to create a montage compiling 10-15 dramatic clips?

Foolish_Imp's avatar

Oh, appolgies! I meant to say 10 to 15 second videos. A montage of videos does sound appealing, but it may be not be as easy for some people when it comes to editing.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Thanks for clarifying. I've added both variants to our calendar!

Caitriona39's avatar

I'd like to see a bounty where we are meant to post pics or videos of us interacting with other players. So far we haven't had much of that represented here. It can just be exhibiting emotes, hunting, vault runs, etc.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Thanks Catriona, that's a good idea and certainly something we can do! We ran a couple of these early on, but we didn't have much uptake. But now more of our community members have reached the The Watch, I agree it's high time to return to it!

0ffworld's avatar

By now, I reckon players have experienced all the different biomes, so I'd like to see some ideas for other biomes. But I realize biomes can't be created within minutes, so since this would be purely hypothetical, I'd want users to go insane with these ideas. Don't just change the weather - change the dimension, play with gravity, draw your idea... something along those lines.

I confess that I'm not playing Nightingale myself as I'm currently drowning in games. So since I can't really suggest anything incorporating game mechanics, since I haven't experienced them myself, it's fine if this is a bit too basic for what you're looking for with this bounty. 👍


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