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Lanah Tyra's avatar

Well done guys! I know who to turn to for help if I get that far in the game :D

Sturmer's avatar

It's not that far actually, you can go for it as soon as you unlock Hunt card. And you can switch on Easy, meaning you can kill it with 'twitch' drops gear w/o even upgrading it

Lanah Tyra's avatar

oh great, thank you! Will definitely give it a shot when I get to play again.

Sturmer's avatar

Just reduce FF exposure =) MMOs are like a blackholes in terms of time management

Lanah Tyra's avatar

Not happening! FF is life :D

Funny thing is I barely get to play FFXIV either, so it's not even MMO blackhole. Got the FFXVI DLC guide video to finish plus need to play it on hard mode to unlock another new content. I'm nowhere in FF7 Rebirth yet, and got a lot of projects to finish related to my Youtube channel and it's a bit too much beside my full-time job :(

Dave's avatar

Thanks! I'm out of action with COVID at the moment. Hitting me real hard compared to last time. Don't feel like a predator right now! Just got to rest my way through it.

Lanah Tyra's avatar

oh that's not good, hope you'll feel better soon!

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Sorry to hear that, Dave! Take it as easy as possible and look after yourself. Wishing you a speedy recovery from the JA team!

Limal's avatar

yay, it was quite a jorney


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