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taha's avatar

One of the few unofficial Pokémon games I played when I was younger was Pokémon PC, an obscure fan project that transformed the world of Pokémon into 3D at a time when the mainline games were all still in 2D, and this fan game felt so exciting to play, doing things in the world of Pokémon in a new perspective like roaming the towns, battling and exploring the wild.

It's not the most amazing game visually but it was a nostalgic one for me and one that I enjoyed as someone who didn't have the latest Pokémon games and the idea of a 3D Pokémon game really fascinated me as a kid.

The idea of playing a game as Ash was really cool to me and having a Pikachu follow you around was awesome too, but you could also change your partner Pokémon around as well, something which is really well done as a mechanic now in the Pokémon Let's Go games.

Pokémon PC was a bit eerie as well in some parts, especially the abandoned building and some of the wild areas, while some of the battles can jump scare you a bit when you encounter high level Pokémon at points where you're nowhere near prepared to face them! It took me back when I felt that same feeling again in Legends Arceus bumping into a wild Luxio right at the start of the first wild area!

This game really felt like what I wanted from a Pokémon game and Nintendo eventually moved to 3D with the release of Pokémon X & Y, which then became one of my favourite entries in the franchise. Really, this is kind of a look into the future of what the Pokémon games could become.

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

For me, it's Pokémon Xenoverse

This was a small game that was labelled by critics as "unique", having a huge variety of content and a great story to it.

It was made by a team of 15 from Italy and was only translated into English in 2021. Personally I found it to be a lot of fun and always kept me interested.


I'm not sure this counts but PokéMMO is great, you will need to have several Pokémon game ROMS because with PokéMMO you are actually playing those games in a massively multiplayer environment, not singleplayer, this means you can play with friends or even make new friends in the game, you can trade and battle with other players and when you process enough in a region you can go to the next one, you do not have to complete one region before going to another so if you don't feel like playing generation 1 then just progress enough to get on a boat and go to whatever generation you want to play in the moment.


I haven't played many of these but I did end up playing Pokémon Prism at one stage which was a pretty wild and out-there alternative to the official games.

It had pokemon from a number of generations, making it's roster massive and gave some fun choices for selecting pokemon in battles. It also had some very non-pokemon gameplay mechanics like side scrolling sections and actually playing as the pokemon.

It was a bit unhinged and unpolished but a fun alternative to the official games available.

TheGreatestBanana12's avatar

Have you ever thought about what certain Pokémon would look like if they had been fused together if the answer is yes then I recommend playing Pokémon infinite fusion. Pokémon infinite fusion plays like a normal Pokémon game except you are also able to fuse two Pokémon together to create a new Pokémon and with 215,000 possibilities there's plenty of new Pokémon to get.

AirGaram's avatar

My favourite unofficial pokemon game would be pokemon insurgence.

The game have two versions of the story, a much darker tone, or a more traditional one tamer one. The dark story line isn’t child friendly, but the traditional one is completely fine. You can choose which one you want to play when you start the game.

While being an unofficial pokemon game, it has a really great story, great designs, and NEW MEGAS.

One of my favourite things are the alternate forms called Delta Pokemons, which are forms of existing pokemons with different typings, abilities, and appearances. The megas though are really great to see, some of the deltas also have some megas, but the already existing ones, most of them get a new mega form, like for flygon, the gen 2 starters, and even for the legendaries. Arceus and Giratina gets new forms as well. You can even get shadow mewtwo.

The game also lets you customize your appearance midgame. It also lets you choose your game mode, be it a normal run, a nuzlocke, or a randomizer, you can even combine the randomizer and the nuzlocke.

The game also has great quality of life improvements, the game has a special trainer that can help you train IV and EVs as well as the ability to speed up the game.

Long story short, it’s a very great game with amazing storyline, mechanincs, and tough battles. So it’s a really great game to pick up.

Sturmer's avatar

The Pokémon Company is known for taking a strict stance on unofficial fan-made games and non-profit projects. A notable example is Relic Castle, a non-profit, ad-free community website dedicated to Pokémon, which was shut down after nearly ten years following a DMCA takedown notice. While I respect intellectual property, actions like this seem too harsh. There are many examples where non-profit projects made with love for the brand coexist, regardless of their popularity.

For this bounty, I'm going to nominate Pokemon Insurgence. At the moment of posting this game exists in a gray area of legality because technically is an unauthorized use of the Pokémon intellectual property, which means they could be subject to legal action by The Pokémon Company at any time.

This fan-made game adds its own twist with a storyline (often quoted as 'dark', because of cults and a more mature narrative) and a bunch of new features. Set in the Torren region, Insurgence introduces Delta Species, which are variants with different typings and designs. The game also has a bunch of extra features like:

  • custom Mega Evolutions,

  • armor mechanics,

  • online trading and battling,

  • base construction and other neat things and QoL improvements.

The attention to detail and the commitment to providing a comprehensive Pokemon experience, while pushing boundaries with new content and a gripping story, make Pokémon Insurgence a must-play for any fan looking for something more than the usual Pokémon fare.

Official page:


Limal's avatar

watch out, as the bounty timer expires, you may receive a thank you for your efforts but not the reward.

Nevertheless, Palworld undoubtedly the Pokémon game that we all rightfully deserved.

Ford James's avatar

Hey Sturmer, Limal is correct here I'm afraid! Palworld is certainly inspired by Pokemon, but it isn't an unofficial Pokemon game. This bounty is geared more towards fan-made games or mods that use Pokemon. Feel free to amend your submission ahead of the deadline next week!

Sturmer's avatar

Thanks Ford James and Limal i need to tune down my creative approach and instead just read the description. Now it fits?

Ford James's avatar

Absolutely, Pokemon Insurgence is a valid choice. Thanks for understanding!

Paul's avatar

My submission is for Pokemon Ultra violet.

"Pokemon Ultra Violet Version is a hack of the GameBoy Advance game Pokemon Fire Red Version. This new game has been altered in many ways to make the game more enjoyable, but it still has the same general design and story as the original Nintendo release."

This was the first rom hack I ever played and its even available in phisical form if you know where to look.

You get the option to catch your own starter pokemon safari style and there is a whole new area with different biomes that add all the pokemon available from the gba games that opens up as you discover new HMs.

If you like the classic style pokemon games I highly recomend giving this ago.

Braulio M Lara 🔹's avatar

Hi Folks 😊

from Spain 🇪🇸 came Temtem a POKÉMON a la España a unofficial version of the Japanese game very well done and with somes extras that we wish to see in the Pokémon original

there is a link with a video of Temtem

Enjoy it 👍

Ford James's avatar

Hi Braulio Lara , thanks for entering this bounty! Unfortunately, TemTem isn't eligible for a reward here as even though it is heavily reminiscent of Pokemon, it is only inspired by it rather than it being an unofficial Pokemon game. Much like how I explained to Sturmer above that Palworld isn't eligible either, we were looking for fanmade games or mods that use Pokemon, rather than just games that are similar. Hope you understand! ✌

Braulio M Lara 🔹's avatar

Ahhh ok l’m understand thanks

Sorry l’m new here 😄

Ford James's avatar

No worries, it's all good! We're happy to have you, just make sure you read bounty descriptions carefully to stand the best chance of winning prizes 🥳


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