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I'm sorry but I feel as if a few of us were robbed in this contest. Many of us used our own gameplay or projects we were involved with to demonstrate and truly make a fan made trailer. Only to lose to this first place. Who quite literally did not include a single bit of their own gameplay. They slapped together a bunch of stuff from trailers, the key note and other official pieces and called it a fan made trailer.

Your rules stated this:

"We're giving you free reign to be as creative with this as you like, so any type of trailer is eligible as long as it mostly consists of your own footage."

The key here being "mostly consists of your own footage."

Unless your footage includes recording a screen of a youtube video that was OFFICIAL TRAILER MATERIAL, and using it, it is not their footage.

The only part of this video that is their own is the few seconds where the gods show up on the screen as it flashes through them. Which makes up about 10 seconds of the video.

None of this aside from those first 10 seconds is their own footage, it was official Hi Rez/Titan Forge material. Everyone else uses their own gameplay in combination with Titan Forge material but it is still mostly their gameplay.

Initially I was a little sad I got second place but I figured I lost to Cloggedbean someone who does excellent work and would deserve the win. However, to see they got 4th and I got 2nd to this literal clip cut and paste calling itself a "fan made trailer". Is really not cool, and does not look good for future contests like this.

Why should I put in the effort if I get second to someone throwing together a bunch of clips with no editing other than the cut and and paste tool. Everyone else in the article clearly put in immense effort to make their trailers great putting time and effort into the game and editing to make the clips look good. Only to lose to someone who include 0 clips of their own gameplay and took 95% of their video from official Titan Forge material.

Here is some proof, from a YouTube channel that did something similar but just straight up took all of it and cut it up randomly. Time stamp links didn't work so I just put the time stamp there for you next to it.

The Kuku clip 0:33

The cern clip 1:50
The compare SMITE 1 and SMITE 2 clips 7:04
Loki Clip 6:53

Ford James Clip cut and paste does not deserve to win. Especially in a competition that relies on creativity and YOUR OWN FOOTAGE. You also say you might confuse it with the real thing. That is because most of it is the real thing taken from official Titan Forge work.

Any clips I used that weren't mine I explained in my post and gave credit for in my description. I was on the cast for my susano clip screaming after the gold steal. I am part of the OCE production team (now nemesis production) which the penta clip comes from. The Bacchus clip is mine. The Mordred clips are mine. The SMITE 1 clips in the meme at the start are all mine. I included some titan forge material but it was not 100% of my trailer. It is unfair to everyone to entered to lose to this.

I don't care if this changes my placement or not but this is insane that this was allowed to win when it includes no gameplay of their own and about 10 seconds of footage that MAY be theirs.

This should not be the standard for these kinds of contests and should be corrected sooner rather than later. I understand your website is a platform that supports a plethora of games. Sometimes mistakes happen and you don't know specific things are from specific places. It has been excellent for me and other creators of SMITE 2 content. I don't know what other work this creator has done but this one does not deserve first place. It blatantly goes against the rules of the contest and still wins?

However, this can not be the standard for the time and effort people put in for contests of this scale only to lose to someone who uses 10 seconds of their own footage and uses control c + control v and screen capture for the rest.

This contest had one real outline "mostly consists of your own footage." This clearly breaks that and it won first prize. That can not be the standard, what it tells me is that I don't have to follow the outlines or rules at all for these contests and can still win the big prizes.


My solution to this problem, if you choose to keep to your rules and respect your own parameters, is to spilt the money of first place between everyone in the article evenly after taking it away from the person who didn't follow the rules. Because from what I understand, if you don't follow the rules you don't get the money.

Ford James's avatar

Hi NotAValveGame, thanks for bringing this to our attention. We hold our hands up to our error here; having not seen every piece of Titan Forge's own gameplay footage, we didn't recognise it in the winning member's submission.

To rectify things, we're going to bump the other submissions up by one place; we've already manually credited their creators' wallets with the difference in prize money, and will edit the curated content to reflect the new standings. Thank you again for your understanding; we always strive to ensure rules are adhered to, but every now and then things may slip through the net!

Cloggedbean's avatar

I wanna say thanks to both of yall, NotAValveGame for speaking up on our behalf and Ford James for fixing the situation. Things happen but I’m just glad to see them get resolved right away


Thank you for being so quick to respond. I figured you guys do a lot of work with a lot of categories so this stuff is bound to happen.


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