Plenty of you have requested more rewards focused on in-game challenges, and we're listening to you. So for this reward, the idea of which comes courtesy of Sadger in our suggest-a-reward, we want you to reach level 20 in Conquest in SMITE 2 as fast as you can!
That's all you have to do, but you must verify it with either a screenshot showing both your level and the in-game timer, or a video showing the full process in action. Of course, this must be achieved in a public or ranked match to ensure fairness and legitimacy. Bonus points if you also explain your strategy and how you achieved your time. Fastest entry wins the top prize!
already paid
$31 / 50
This reward closed to entries at 1:29pm on February 24, 2025 but you can still reply, react, and join the conversation below! If you’d like to enter other rewards which are still open, click here.
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