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EveOnlineTutorials's avatar

No not personally. Mostly because I would be scared something would go wrong. I think space flight would have to be MUCH further along technology-wise before I'd consider it, if it was 100% safe and proven to be so, I'd happily go up and float about.

Sturmer's avatar

Would I like to briefly venture into space, reaching an altitude of over 100 km just to make my mark in history? Sure, especially considering that only around 600 people have ever visited space. But as for staying there for an extended period? Not until we develop effective protection against space radiation. That’s a significant risk factor in space travel, and I’d prefer to wait until we have better safety measures in place for long-duration missions.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

I feel similarly. It would be terrifying, but I couldn't turn down an offer to do something so unique.

Dave's avatar

No thanks. I read when/if humans visit the moon again they are talking about melting ice on the moon for drinking water (if they find ice at all of course). I wouldn't want to go into space but who would want to be the first person to drink moon water? Ok its chemical makeup according to instruments probably would say it's exactly the same, but is it really? What if there is something different about it we can't measure and aren't aware of? Wouldn't want to be the first person to find out!

Alex Sinclair's avatar

I think what pushes me over into the 'yes' category is the prospect of seeing Earth from space. When you hear astronauts describe the feeling of awe and perspective, it's enough to make me overcome my terror.


Visit? Yes.

Now? No.

In the future? Yes.

Space is the latest frontier, the second latest are the out oceans. The idea of floating up there, seeing how small Earth truly is, seeing the stars without the atmosphere dimming them... is alluring. I'm a sci-fi fan, going to space is alluring.

However, right now getting to space is complex and the risks associated with going up and down are still on the high side, albeit they have gone down a lot from the days of Gemini and Apollo programs.

Technology makes a bit more progress, I'm rich enough and I'm not too old? I probably would take a little trip "out of the door" literally.

Paul's avatar

Nope, not a chance. Normally im happy to give the pros and cons 😅

Alex Sinclair's avatar

But what about all the pretty views?

Paul's avatar

Im sure Earth would look very pretty as it gets smaller and smaller and smaller as I drift off in to the nothingness to die of starvation, dehydration or lack of oxygen 👍

Stella's avatar

I think I would be too scared of something going wrong heheh

Also I have so many places I want to go on Earth that going to space would be quite low down on my list of priorities

Alex Sinclair's avatar

I think that's a very reasonable approach: France first, space later.


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