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Sturmer's avatar

Grandpa - Westland Dreadnought - Wikipedia Blended-wing designs face several challenges, including poor stability and difficulties in creating efficient cabin layouts that fully utilize internal space. There are also concerns regarding airport compatibility and emergency evacuation procedures.

However, many of these issues become less critical when considering the design for cargo planes rather than passenger aircraft. You can pretty dense fill it with amazon packs hehe

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

They look like spaceships flying around earth IMO lol

Horror and Cats's avatar

"The blended wing airframe can deliver 50% lower fuel burn and emissions” was my Tinder profile header. I guess I was ahead of my time


they look incredible! Wow!

Konquest's avatar

Man! Soon we will have spaceships. It somehow reminds me of a ship from the starcitizen game

Origin 600i


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