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TheGreatestBanana12's avatar

For me it has to the awesomeness that was the Sony Bravia bouncy balls advert because like the paint explosion video they did its just the sheer scale of the video that is impressive and the fact they usually only have one take to get it right. its not very often you see adverts like this. I wouldn't want to be the person to tidy that all up afterwards though lol

Limal's avatar

The "Children of the 90s" ad by Microsoft is my pick. In fact, I'm a millennial and a Microsoft Explorer (now rebranded to Edge) user.

The ad builds around iconic items from 90s childhood, creating high nostalgia pressure while featuring the strong motto, "You grew up, so did we." This strategic blend of nostalgia and cost-effective production highlights clever marketing at its best. It's engaging and shareable, and I think it's a great example of viral low-budget marketing, which could be used as a sample for marketing classes.


On of my all time favorite Tech adverts for a few reasons is the Sony Bravia Color Like No Other TV ad from the 00's!

Now when this was launched it was just wow as they literally covered these buildings in paint, for real, this is not CGI! Think a firework display with paint bombs and you have the right idea!

Also this is in my homeland of Scotland so it was very cool that they used these residential tower blocks which were due for demolition and covered them in paint for this advert! There is also some making off / behind the scenes videos which I will link if i can find any as they are worth a watch also!

But yeah the advert on Sony's New Bravia TV's would really pop as I remember they used to have this and also another one with loads of bouncy balls in San Francisco on repeat in Currys / PC World when I would go in and look at their TV's back in the day lol

Anyways enjoy!

Here is a behind the scenes making of video too -

Really Spectacular advert, and incredible the amount of work that went into this TV ad!

Shovel's avatar

Although it's recent, I loved seeing this SuperCell advert and still can't get over all the star cameos! Supercell is a mobile game developer and the advert was made to promote their latest title, Squad Busters. The advert was commissioned to be made by a creative studio called Uncommon and featured loads of celebs such as Ken Jeong, Chris Hemsworth, Christina Ricci, Will Arnett and Bella Poarch to name a few. Having this mix of Hollywood stars and internet talent made the ad be more memorable and enticing so in turn it captivated both gaming and pop culture audiences.

Sturmer's avatar

My pick is "Alexa Loses Her Voice," which premiered during Super Bowl LII in 2018. Sources indicate that a 30-second ad slot during the Super Bowl cost around $5.24 million in 2018, meaning this 90-second ad featuring a star-studded cast, including Gordon Ramsay, Rebel Wilson, Cardi B, and Anthony Hopkins, directed by Wayne McClammy, likely cost Amazon a fortune.

However, the investment paid off as the ad became one of the most talked-about commercials of the year, highlighting Alexa’s irreplaceable value. Even six years later, we are still discussing it here.

Personally, I don't use a voice assistant for my smart home, but the ad was a hot topic among my friends and colleagues.

AirGaram's avatar

I think this is ad commercial is worth a shot. This ad for the Nokia Lumia 920 was just fun to see, like the nokia users were just watching from the sidelines when the users of the two other brands, Samsung and Apple just duking it out because of their rivalry during a wedding.

Sinclair's avatar

Any "Shot on iPhone" ads

as a Apple Fanboy before, i always like the Shot on iPhone ad by Apple, its just so mesmerizing when seeing their Camera quality. in my heart iPhone always have the Greatest Camera ever, i don't know about any android camera quality, but again, iPhone always the best for shooting video up to 4K60p. but there's a catch, i just kinda dislike today apple cam quality because there's always "Flares" when capturing night light

Fras_Shoyo's avatar

this is a commercial ad for the samsung galaxy S4 where the features at the time were really good and satirized many other smartphons even though the existence of these features makes competition in the world of smartphones from cameras that are starting to get better and others. walu so samsung galaxy S4 has made nfc features, infrared remotes to turn on the TV and others. which has made smartphon multifunctional and can compete with other technologies.

Retro Stu's avatar

The early 90s and it was Sega and Nintendo trying to outdo each other when it came to marketing.

Sega going with the infamous "Genesis does what Nintendont" and a plethora of crude paper ads including "The longer you play with it the harder it gets" and " Something you can do with your hands that won't make you go blind."

Nintendo went with the weirder:

It really felt like both truly embraced the MTV/Nickelodeon style crudeness that, apparently, appealed to kids like me! It was in your face and did what any good ad campaign should - made it so you couldn't forget it!

Zeref_Vermilion's avatar

Whenever I hear Lenka's song "Everything at Once," it always reminds me of the Windows 8 commercial. This ad was everywhere on TV and the internet. Using "Everything at Once" as the soundtrack signaled Microsoft's confidence in Windows 8, which promised a richer experience, including a new user interface, the grand opening of the Windows Store, and the much-publicized Modern UI Style App.

Makster's avatar

If you're as old as me then you'll remember the famous '1984' advert from Apple - and reading the intro to this bounty, how the mighty have fallen.
The famous '1984' advert aired during super bowl 18 (XVIII) advertising Apple's entry into the personal computer market with the Macintosh. It was a bold and daring commercial with striking imagery, amazing atmosphere, and the key to advertising; it left the viewer wanting more.

The advert was so popular and iconic that it was ripe for parody and imitation and thus when popular game client was released for Mac OS - Valve being Valve put their marketing team to work. It is the perfect parody marrying the themes of Half Life 2 and the feel of this advertisement. I'd place it above the original due to my love for the Half Life series and how excited I was to play through it again on my new Macbook

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

I have chosen this one, one because I have this bookmarked as it's really funny, and two, it shows how technology may not always be the way forward and how voice commands.. It can sometimes not go to plan.

I hope this qualifies

Nine's avatar

im rarely to see tech ads commercial vidio but i have one who really funny about this ads vidio.

this is the smathpone arrow commercial, the best thing is in the vidio really make your laugh XD
this ads have 7 part vidio and all is funny lol.

the actor in the vidio is really the biggest actrees in japan to and used to become comedian role.

you can see the vidio part 1 here, but sadly i not fond the sub english.

Sturmer's avatar

Car ad counts? Some think cars are not tech =)


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