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Kane Carnifex's avatar

Is it true which the content in china is 100% educational and in the rest of the world it is just bad?
Heard it from a friend but hell i am not gonna google that :P

CMDR Henckes's avatar

I already used both version, the internacional one and the Chinese one, its almost the same, changes the language and the content creators, but who defines what you see in the app is you.

In the international version the only thing that appeared to me as a recommendation was just profiles that makes political discussion and analysis. While in the Chinese one there was a mix of things, there a lot of videos of work safety but a lot of people doing food, traditional and uncommon ones, and some times videos that, as you say, is "just bad".

Kane Carnifex's avatar

Ok, jeah here germany its diffrent you get racism, lot of relgion bullshit and Esotericism.
^^ Just fresh Account and feed running brings you into 4chan levels.

Everything above is sold like the solution for all problems.

There was a study in germany which our Kids don´t have any IT-Skills.. just slot machines monsters swipe up down, left right... everybody was like jeah the growing up with this they will be IT superheros...

Lanah Tyra's avatar

That's very true about the future generation. I work at IT support and there is clearly a younger generation who have no idea how computers actually work and struggle even with basic things, yet they have to use computers for their work. While us (80s kids) grew up having to learn a lot of stuff about computers.

Of course there are young people who are interested in IT and want to become IT professionals but the general population don't even know the difference between shift and caps lock....

Kane Carnifex's avatar

Nerds will be Nerds, one time we will rule this place!
And we get the Highscore... which is currently low hanging fruit.

Boomer's avatar

This is just my personal opinion but I think it has a lot to do with computers and phones becoming closed devices.

I believe young people are developing surface-level knowledge of technology far more quickly, but they're not given the opportunity to develop deep knowledge.

I'm 37 so my youth was spent fixing my Amiga, using command line, "programming" ringtones, trying to get around school network security to play Counter Strike etc. That gave me a basic understanding of how the tech worked. Nowadays you can't even take the back off most phones, ringtones are presets or imported media, and I imagine school network security is far more robust (I hope!).

We need to help young people to physically and metaphorically break open the tech they use so they can learn how it works.

Lanah Tyra's avatar

There's a lot of truth in this! Also I'm not sure how or what they even teach as computer science in schools these days. We learnt Windows as it was still new after MS DOS, Office, Internet (as to how to use Netscape Navigator XD) and hardware where we had to take things apart, learnt what was what on a motherboard and such.

We mentioned this in the Internet podcast as well, that there was a generation growing up thinking that computers will be integrated parts of our lives, but really that's not the case, smartphones are. And it's a whole different technology and capable of different things. But computers are not as advanced as we thought they were going to be, they are not a must in every household, majority of people don't look at them as something useful outside of a "tool I need for my job", unless they play games. Yet (almost) everyone has a smartphone and thinks of it as a crucial tool for all parts of life.

A lot of people grow up not seeing a computer until they have to use one for their job or for parts of their job (don't get me started on nurses struggling to log in to a computer to do their training in a hospital) And it's not their fault but the education.... we just take computers as something like a household appliance or something, assume that everyone knows how to use them, but not really... Yet we don't think the same of cars... you still need a license to drive (and that doesn't mean the person will be actually good at it) but we don't check if people know how to use a computer before we make them use it for their work. When I was in high school we had something called a computer user license and we had to complete it for graduation. They said it will be needed if you wanted any job involving computers.... Well.... 😅

CMDR Henckes's avatar

The US Supreme Court is delusional. This discussion doesn't even make sense. And for the people that uses Android in the US that will have problem if it gets banned you can download the APK on the browser or download a custom store to keep it updated, it is that simple.

Y0EMINENCE's avatar

Tik tok rules, free speech, funny that the Chinese do free speech better and us is jaded…Reddit is far worse than tik tok to the toxicity and content you can access…

TrialByStory's avatar

Speaking as someone who doesn't use or like TikTok (or any shortform vertical video platform), it's a more nuanced issue than anyone on either side of it makes it out to be, but I ultimately land on No.

We've seen in the past (and more recently) attempts to use social media to influence various things within America, most infamously the (presumed) Russian bots on Facebook and Reddit that pop up during election cycles. And we know the slant of the news you consume can affect how you see & interact with the world. So with Social Media (tm) increasingly being where we either receive or interact with news, those two facts can make for a worrying combination.

It's also a fact that while ByteDance is not owned or directly affiliated with the Chinese Government (and have been at odds with them several times in the past) they do have a position on the board held by a government agent meant to influence the company in the State's best interest. Which creates the possibility (or liklihood, if you listen to the ban's proponents) for the Chinese government to compel ByteDance to use TikTok's algorithim to at best influence people and events in America, and at worst spy on or outright run PsyOps against US tiktok users (the company did admit in 2022 to using tiktok's location sharing to track journalists).

Having said all that, I don't think there's enough evidence to suggest TikTok is any more dangerous than Reddit or Facebook or Twitter or Youtube, or any other algorithmic social media. It barely takes less effort for China to put their thumb on the scale of The Algorithim for a platform they can directly influence than it does to set up a bot farm to Astroturf their talking points across the internet. I would make the argument that if one assumes banning TikTok is necessary then one must also concede that it is necessary to ban any social media that algorithmically populates its main feed. And if that discussion is not at the very least on the table, then the moves being made here are disingenuous and performative.

Makster's avatar

Having said all that, I don't think there's enough evidence to suggest TikTok is any more dangerous than Reddit or Facebook or Twitter or Youtube, or any other algorithmic social media

I think its a matter of national security.
The old saying goes - US want to spy on their own people, they don't want other people spying on them, which is why they're making a desperate plea to purchase TikTok so the citizens can still use it and the US can secure their digital security.

Also I don't think the evidence can be shown publicly on HOW it is a security risk. That is all tied up with espionage e.g. we don't know who are foreign spies or spy drones/ planes overhead but I'm sure they are present (not to get too tin foil hat on you)

TrialByStory's avatar

I don't disagree with you on the face of it, but that still leaves open the question of why TikTok and only TikTok. Riot Games is owned by Chinese company Tencent; their products may not be as readily able to directly sway the hearts & minds of their users, but League is one of the biggest eSports titles in the history of the industry, and Arcane's popularity is beyond what even League fans expected, with that popularity comes influence. And there's the marketplaces like Temu & Wish that are similarly Chinese owned and by nature of what they are inherently track and collect data on their users. Maybe TikTok is the most popular Chinese-operated app, but if that's your determination you're still drawing an arbitrary line. Especially in a world where just existing gives out so much data about yourself that there are legitimately companies whose entire business model is 'pay us a subscription and we'll force databrokers to delete your data.'

Makster's avatar

How can you use League or wish/temu to spy on US citizens?

CMDR Henckes's avatar

Temu and Wish have both cellphone apps, so it can potentially have access to all of your phone, camera, microphone, messages and phone calls, but the espionage doesn't need to reach that level, the things that you search and buy can be valuable date as well.

TrialByStory's avatar

Riot was drawn on as an example of other widely-used, Chinese-made software that could influence Americans, not spy on them (remember, both these aspects are concerns in the anti-TikTok argument). As I said, it may not directly influence minds in and of itself, but that doesn't mean it doesn't have pull. Look at the rhetoric from the height of console wars, or the way people came out strongly in support of either Epic or Apple during the Fortnite/Appstore lawsuit, or even the backlash by people who are deep into TikTok as a platform against the original legislation, the President when it was signed, and now the justices the case is now in front of, and tell me people won't raise their voice based on things their favorite brand tells them are a problem. It may not be full psy ops like many fear from TikTok, but properly applied it leads to the same endpoint.

And again, the reason I even reached for those examples in the first place is to go with the assumption that China's involvement specifically is where the concern is over, but neither China nor any other power is stopped from using any other platform to accomplish the same goal. The only difference is that with TikTok the opportunity exists for them to put their thumb on the scale behind the scenes and artificially boost or supress certain types of content. Remember, in 2015 it was known that Russia was using Facebook to spread propaganda and disinformation, Ukraine even asked us to force Zuckerberg to do something about it. And there was evidence in 2016 of foreign bots on Facebook and Reddit trying to influence the results of the election. And let's not forget that one of Musk's ill-fated attempts to get out of his committment to buy Twitter was to argue that the company had misrepresented how much of the network's activity came from bot accounts. At no point did any of those sites become the subject of a proposed ban, despite the fact that their potential use as a tool for China, Russia, or any other external power is only slightly less pointed than TikTok.

At the end of the day though, this is one of those subjects where reasonable minds can differ.

Makster's avatar

Riot is an American company though..

It was founded in University of SoCal and the headquarters is in Los Angeles

TrialByStory's avatar

And in 2011 TenCent bought a 93% stake in the company. Then they bought the other 7% in 2015. Riot's been Chinese-owned for over a decade.


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