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Horror and Cats's avatar

Evidently on the 25th ALL the planets will be visible this month. I’ve got my Nikon D5600 and tripod all set to see what I can get.

I luckily live in the middle of nowhere with near zero light pollution so I should be able to get a decent view.

CelestialFlea's avatar

I just know the weather is going to fluff me over for that one 😭 it did for the comet and everything else so far

dianthus's avatar

Oh that's so cool!! I don't have any gear to speak of but I definitely hope to get a telescope one day. I'm lucky to live in a somewhat "dim" area at night so if there's anything I can see with my own two eyes, I'd love to see it!

CelestialFlea's avatar

All you really need is a good dslr with a telephoto lens and an intervelometor to help automate stacking, you can pick them up fairly cheap. Or get what I have, a Dwarf II. Amazing bit of kit

dianthus's avatar

I'll check it out, thank you!


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